Activation vs. Supplementation With Dr. Paul Martin

Imagine for a moment that your house is on fire and you have to put it out yourself. Would you rather have a bucket or a fire hose to put it out? No question you’d want the fire hose, right? It’s the quickest way to get the results you want. (putting the fire out) I’m sure you’re wondering where I’m going with this. Stay with me, I’m getting there. The difference between a fire hose and a bucket of water is the perfect illustration of the difference in activating your body to heal itself vs. supplementing. Keep reading and I’ll explain everything.

Not too long ago, I had a chance to interview renowned chiropractor Dr. Paul Martin about a new and often-overlooked facet of medical science. Dr. Martin has been a chiropractor for more than 20 years, and has gained a lot of valuable knowledge that he’d like to share with you.

So what’s the problem with supplementation?

Supplements are everywhere. We hear about new ones all the time, and almost all of us have been on a supplement at some time or another. Supplements are good…aren’t they?

The problem with supplementation is that they’re more a fad than a part of health science. Long-term studies have shown that there isn’t any particular benefit from supplementing, even though it seems to be a million-dollar industry. Some supplements can even be harmful!

These supplements that don’t come from real food, says Dr. Paul, often have no effect. Instead, he turns his practice towards getting what his body needs through lifestyle change and activating your own body to heal itself.

What is activation?

Activation is the practice of finding out what your body needs, and instead of supplementing, taking actions that cause the body to create what it needs on its own. According to Dr. Paul, his way of doing things includes whole foods, staying active, and getting regular chiropractic care, all of which encourage the body to take the steps to produce what it needs on its own.

Activation isn’t attempting to replace anything in the body. It activates a natural process in the body that is being overwhelmed by stress that can be healing all on its own.
Think about it this way: just by living in the time we live in now, we’re exposed to more oxidative stress in one day than a caveman was in his entire life. Our bodies are just not equipped to deal with that. That’s why, instead of supplementing, our best bet is to activate the pathway in the body that produces antioxidants from the inside out. It’s the most effective way to combat the oxidative stress that we’re constantly being pummeled by.

Is there an easy way to activate the body?

The Nrf2 pathway is the pathway is responsible for activating your body to heal itself. When activated it tells the body to produce its own, natural antioxidants, rendering supplements obsolete. You don’t need to fill your body with foreign antioxidants when your body can make its own, and your own antioxidants are more powerful by a factor of a million to one.

Think of it this way: Your genes are a recipe and just like a recipe for delicious chocolate cookies it needs ingredients and they need to be combined in the proper way. Your recipe includes things like staying active, eating well, and attending to your health naturally. With the right “recipe” you can achieve the health you’ve been waiting for.

If you’re ready to activate your body and uncover your own recipe for a healthier you, get signed up for The 7-Day Wellness Reboot. We’re giving you the exact steps and products we recommend to become the healthiest version of yourself or you can click here to purchase our product recommendations right way.

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