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Activation vs Supplementation

Activation supports the body’s natural cellular ability to target the main biochemical effects of ageing, issues like oxidative stress, and natural mitochondrial deterioration, that prevent the body from aging gracefully. When activating the body’s own healing pathways, you’re awakening its ability to rejuvenate itself on a massive scale, which is exponentially more powerful than consuming direct antioxidants (supplementation).

These pathways help by up-regulating your gene’s ability to product their own antioxidants, which is 1 million times more powerful than any supplement you can take. When your cells are empowered with the ability to product mitochondria, or your gut’s ability to regulate bacteria – you’re helping your body stay ahead of the aging process. We’re not talking about a miracle pill, we’re talking about “a miracle body” and when given the proper tools, it has the power to do incredible things.