Acne and Gut Health With Dani
Join me as I interview acne expert Dani, from Detoxing with Dani. Today, we'll be discussing how a healthy gut is absolutely essential to having clear skin. If you want to connect with Dani, head over to her website: Plus, don't forget to check out my brand new resource, the Toxic Load Quiz and guide. Go to to get your score and guide.

Jenny [00:00:00] Well, hello and welcome, everybody, excited to be with you guys today and welcome to everybody that’s tuning in on social media, watching the livestream and the recording and then also to all of my amazing podcast viewers. Hey, everybody. I’m excited today to be with you guys because this is a topic that’s near and dear to my heart. And I know many people struggle with this, with me and Danny as an Acme Health specialist. She is a nutritionist and we just connected a few weeks ago but had that instant connection. She’s passionate about wellness, loves helping people. And Danny, we’re excited that you’re here with us today. Thank you for being open to sharing and for sharing your expertize with the problem that I think, what, seventy five percent of the population deals with me. And for me, this has become super personal. My 15 year old son’s been dealing with it and just talking with you and understanding that there’s more of a root cause behind this issue in the body was so interesting. And we’re excited to just learn from you and take your wisdom and knowledge of many years of practice and helping people through this terrible, terrible process. Sometimes it’s hormonal, sometimes it’s that age going into that 15, 16, 17 years, and I think even younger now with all the toxins in our environment. So thank you so much for being with us. And will you just start off by just introducing yourself, telling us why you became so passionate about helping people through acne and all of the above that comes along with it? So exciting.


Dani [00:01:28] Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for having me. I couldn’t agree more. I feel like we hit it off right away and we probably could have had a five hour breakfast if that’s true. So yeah, I am a holistic nutritionist, so I work with clients virtually. I did virtually before we even had to do virtually and helping them really understand their bodies. And I mean, I like you said, I’m an expert, but where that kind of came from is I struggled with severe chronic cystic acne from literally head to toe. I went from basically my cheeks to my jaw line down my neck on my shoulders and all the way down my back. It was painful. It didn’t look good. I stared at it every single morning when I woke up. I tried so many different things, like you name it, I tried it. Aside from some of the more harsh medications, I pretty much tried everything. And I spent tens of thousands of dollars on my skin. And then I got engaged and I was hell bent on not walking down that aisle with acne because I just didn’t want to worry about it. I knew I could cover it up with makeup if I really needed to, but I knew every time I did that my face got hot and itchy. I wasn’t comfortable. I didn’t want to be worried about, oh my gosh, how much makeup am I wearing when I hug people? Is it going to wipe off on them? Like so many things went through my head and I just did not want to have to worry about that on my wedding day. And so I had already been trying to figure out what was causing it. I was already a nutritionist at that time, but I wasn’t working in my I didn’t have my practice. I was actually working for my family at the time. And my practice was something that I was kind of working on the side. But I hadn’t gotten it started yet. But I was very into wellness and health and I was hellbent on figuring out, OK, there’s got to be a root cause it’s not just putting another cream or a cleanser or retinol or Retin-A on my face. There is something going on. I have this, like, little voice in the back of my head, which I believe now was my intuition. But at the time I really wasn’t honed in on that. And so I started by seeing my general practitioner and he was like, OK, let’s put you on birth control. I really didn’t want to do that. And so I was like, OK, took the prescription but didn’t fill it. And then I went to my ob gyn and she kind of said the same thing. She’s like, it’s probably hormonal. Let’s put you on birth control. I think that’s probably the best way that it’s going to get cleared. That area and I in the back of my head was like, OK, that’s a Band-Aid. I don’t want a Band-Aid. I want to figure out what is causing this, because I don’t think my skin should just be breaking out for no apparent reason. That I went to another Aubagio and that came very highly regarded and was like very high up in the hospital that she worked with or worked at, and she. Sent me through all of these tests, these labs, I had to pay over fifteen hundred dollars out of pocket for labs, even though insurance covered some of them, I was like, whatever, I’ll do it. I’ll put it on a credit card. Let’s figure this out. She seemed like she was going to help me. And then I want to go do a follow up appointment. And it wasn’t even her that read the labs for me. It was her nurse practitioner. And she in the end was like, let’s put you on birth control. And I I’m not on Twitter, on Twitter. But I, I had a thought at that moment of if I were on Twitter, I would be like rage tweeting right now completely. I was so in fear. I was infuriated. I was sad. I was disappointed. I was literally at my wit’s end. I was like, is this something I have to accept then? Because nobody is giving me the answers. No. And I just did all of these tests and they came back normal, like. What I was literally like, what is wrong with me?


Jenny [00:05:36] No one can figure this out. There must be something. I’m just destined to live with this horrible skin for the rest of my life. I can tell you, I felt that way with my son. Just we tried every skin care regiment.


Jenny [00:05:48] I was paying, gosh, over a thousand dollars a month to take him to an institution. It would help for a little bit, but then it was just raging and coming back. So I feel your pain, girl. I mean, this has been nights of sleepless, crying, going to bed without being able to sleep because he’s so worried about his skin. And I get it. It’s not a fun thing at all.


Dani [00:06:08] No, no. And I would go back and forth between, like holistic DIY Pinterest and YouTube being kind of like full on like buying Western medicine will fix me. But that didn’t even fix me. Like, I, I definitely went back and forth and so I kind of like took a break and I was like, I can’t I can’t keep having these disappointments. I can’t keep going to these different doctors and then telling me the exact same thing. So I kind of took a break and then my aunt came up and was like, I just saw this new naturopathic doctor. I think you should go see him. And at first I was like, no, like, I’m not going to another doctor.


Dani [00:06:43] I’m just not.


Dani [00:06:45] Until a couple of months went by and I was like, OK, fine, I’ll go see him, like he was kind of like. The last person I would see and then I would probably have gone down like. Severe medication route just to get rid of my acne like I just was at that point, and so I went and saw him, he sat down with me for two hours, which is unheard of even for a naturopathic doctor. I mean, you’re lucky if you get like an hour with them. But he sat down with me for two hours, listened to my entire health history, listened to what I thought it was because I was having other symptoms along with my acne. But everyone just wanted to focus on my acne. And so he was like, I think it’s centered in your gut. And I was like, praise God, hallelujah.


Dani [00:07:31] Because I know I’ve been saying that from the get go.


Dani [00:07:35] I have been walking into doctors and being like, I think it’s in my gut, like, why am I having all of these stomach issues? Why am I constipated all of the time? Why am I having chronic UTIs like what something is going on? And they just didn’t want to hear it, but he heard it. And he was the first doctor to say, look, I think it’s in your gut, there are things that we can try. I am willing to work with you if you’re willing to work with me. We may not hit the nail on the head right away. But again, if you’re willing to work with me, I’m willing to work with you. And just that, like, brought down all of my defenses down because it wasn’t it wasn’t like he was the end all be all. I’m the doctor. I know all you can’t question me kind of behavior and personality. It was like I’m willing to work with you, but know that I’m not perfect. And to me, that was just like. I was just.


Jenny [00:08:33] Well, I think it’s amazing, I mean, just the fact that he knew about the underlying cause, you know, so many doctors in traditional medicine, they’re prescribing medications to mask the symptom.


Jenny [00:08:43] And really, we know that our body expresses symptoms because it’s trying to tell us something’s not right. So the fact that he knew that he wanted to address the underlying causes and then, of course, linking it to the gut, which I can’t wait for you to talk about that. I just think that that’s promising in itself. I think it’s just it’s amazing that he’s looking at that approach of getting to the root cause instead of just saying, oh, we’re just going to prescribe birth control, we’re going to give you medication. I love his approach already, I think is incredible.


Dani [00:09:12] Yeah. And so we focused on that. We figured out that I had a massive yeast infection going on in my gut. And so we addressed that. We addressed it with natural supplements. I was already eating pretty like I was already on like a healthy lifestyle and like eating plan, and so we didn’t really have to switch that up. But by addressing the root cause, my skin started to significantly improve within two weeks. It wasn’t perfect. It didn’t all of a sudden magically go away. But I started to see improvement. And I think if you’ve ever struggled with acne, the second you see improvement, you start to have relief. But then you’re also scared as hell because you’re like, oh, God, what if this is not really happening? And like, week after week, month after month, I started to see clearer and clearer and clearer skin. And then in June of twenty seventeen, I had my bridal shower and I was able to wear the dress that I wanted to wear that was like completely backless. But I was like, I’m not going to wear this if I have acne all down my back. And I remember putting that on. And just feeling so like so much gratitude, because I. Number one, the acne was gone, but I wasn’t in pain, like I would be in physical pain every time I wore a t shirt or a bra, because if it rubbed one of those this the wrong way, it was this shooting pain. And you know what I’m talking about. If you ever had cystic acne or like a like a like a cyst, is that essentially it’s painful, it’s sensitive. It can bleed. Like, I remember waking up and I would have blood on my sheets and I was like, oh my gosh. Like, I’m about to get married. Like, I don’t want my husband looking over at me. And all of a sudden I like blood on my face.


Dani [00:10:57] Like, What is this? Oh my gosh.


Jenny [00:11:01] I’ve become a master sheet cleaner over here in my house.


Jenny [00:11:04] So I understand it’s it’s, you know, so emotional, the physical, the emotional, all of it combined.


Dani [00:11:11] It’s just. Oh, one thing. Oh yeah. It’s so much, it’s it’s physical. It’s emotional, it’s mental because your mind never stops thinking about it regardless whether it’s cleaning the sheets or using a clean washcloth or did I wash my face. Right or did I do that like it never stops. And so. After having that experience, some things happen in my life where I no longer had a job and I think it was God pushing me to start my practice because I focused on helping women who have gone through the exact same thing that I’ve gone through and still have not found any answers. And. It’s just been incredible, like it’s been so rewarding to be able to use such a painful time in my life to help other people. I love it.


Jenny [00:12:02] So I’m glad that Danny I love it. I and I see you helping people all the time.


Jenny [00:12:06] And, you know, when you’re looking at acne and looking at the gut, you know, I think there’s so many people that are just misinformed that so many of our issues, especially issues that arise on our skin. I mean, we’re talking about other things such as like eczema, psoriasis, all of these skin conditions. It’s a real big indicator that something’s not right inside. So I want to kind of get into this deeply.


Jenny [00:12:28] Let’s talk about gut health. Let’s talk about what are some of the underlying factors that can contribute to skin conditions, acne especially. What does that look like? Like if you were sitting down with the client, how would you explain this to them?


Dani [00:12:41] Yeah, so I always say, just like you said, anything that you’re seeing on your body, whether it’s acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, a rash for no apparent reason, bruising, like for no apparent reason, that’s a sign from your body that something is wrong. And I always start at the gut because our gut is really the hub of our health, because it’s where we think about it. When you eat food, all of that food goes into your gut. And if you’re not assimilating nutrients and pulling nutrients out of that food, I mean, number one, you need to be eating the right foods. But if your gut isn’t intact, you could be eating the perfect veggies all day long through all day long, high quality protein. But if your gut is not intact, it is not able to extract those nutrients and provide you with the building blocks, the foundation that your body needs to run on. It’s not about one supplement because our body runs on systems. It doesn’t run on soil nutrients. So it’s not about adding one additional supplement on there and saying this is going to heal me. It’s about what is our foundation. And I believe that our gut. Is the foundation of our health, and so I always start there because. Majority of people that come to me. Have dealt with some sort of bloating in their lifetime, their chronically bloated, maybe they have constipation, maybe they go back and forth between diarrhea and constipation, or they’ve been on birth control for 10 plus years, which we know through scientific studies, feeds the bad bacteria in the gut. It feeds yeast, it feeds fungus, it feeds the bad guys. Maybe they were on a round of multiple antibiotics. I know I was in high school for my acne. I didn’t know any better and I was on antibiotics for a year. I mean, if you think about that, if you’re on that for like a year or two, three plus years, that’s thousands of pills of antibiotics going into your body that is constantly killing your bad back. The good bacteria, the bad bacteria. It is. It’s like a nuclear bomb in your gut. And if you’re not being proactive to repopulate that and make sure that that ecosystem grows back appropriately, you’re just going to have a whole world of issues that are coming down the pipeline. I can guarantee you they’re not all going to happen at once. But one day you’re going to wake up and those achy joints are going to kick in and the headache is going to kick in. And then that low energy is going to kick in and then that brain fog is going to kick in. And at some point you’re going to be like, oh, God, I feel awful. It’s a vicious cycle, but it wasn’t. Yeah, and it’s not that it’s not just like a flip of a switch. It’s like very gradual that it happens. And so.


Jenny [00:15:31] And then it becomes a storm I love I love when I hear people talking about autoimmunity in the cytokine storm and things that happen over time, and it’s like that rolling ball effect to where 20 years down the road.


Jenny [00:15:43] And you and I are so passionate about the cancer topic and some of these underlying factors while all of these stem in the gut. So this isn’t just acne in the skin. I love what you’re saying. I think addressing it now and paying attention to the things that your body is telling you is huge and it’s the place to start. So let’s talk about actually one of the things I want to bring up and we had this conversation last time was so many people are all about probiotics and feeding the gut probiotics and how many suffuse or billions of safe use of probiotics. But what people don’t talk about is actually getting to the foundation and killing the underlying factors such as candida and parasites and things like that. What’s your take on that? And I just I love that you’re addressing it’s almost like stripping things apart and starting building a car from scratch or whatever you want to say. Can you explain the importance of that and why it’s important to address the underlying factors before you start actually killing the person?


Dani [00:16:42] Yeah. Yeah. So. I kind of I like to use the reference of like a garden, so if you have a so your gut is your garden, your gut is your microbiome is a big hot word that everybody knows about microbiome, gut health. Those two are kind of interchangeable. But when we talk about microbiome, we’re talking about the the bacteria in there, the ecosystem, which is similar to a garden. So if you have a garden that you’ve kind of left unattended and there’s weeds and there’s bugs and there’s pests, but there’s also a beautiful rosebush and there’s a lemon tree and there’s maybe some other flowers that have been able to survive, you’re not going to and you’re like, OK, I’m going to tend to this garden now. I’m going to make it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You’re not going to go to that garden and just throw fertilizer on it because that’s going to grow the weeds. And we all know weeds grow 10 times faster than any other Bush that we want to grow. Fortunately, yeah. And so think of that as a probiotic. So if you don’t go in and clean the gut before you add on a probiotic, you are proliferating all of the good and bad stuff that could be going on in the gut. So you may feel more bloat, you may feel cramping, you may not feel good, and that’s that’s normal. And so what I’m a proponent of as we go in and we weed before we seed to go green.


Jenny [00:18:09] I love that. But easy to remember too. Yeah.


Dani [00:18:12] Before you feed people you want to weed before you seed and it doesn’t take long. Like I typically put most clients on like a 30 day gut cleanse where it’s literally pulling and making sure that we’re getting, I call them gut scrubbers like we pull in like gut scrubbers like flaxseed and chia seed and mimosa. Boudicca, that really pulls through the digestive track because your intestines have a lining and you’re lining can get build up kind of like your arteries. If it gets build up, it’s going to get clogged with. A lot of people have that buildup of just maybe they went through a period of constipation, maybe they haven’t been eating that well. Maybe their body just isn’t able to turn over their cells and their their coastal lining is fast. And that buildup is preventing good nutrients from being absorbed into that mucosal lining, which is what then goes into your bloodstream. And so if that’s clogged or jammed or anything like that, again, you can put as many supplements as you want and you may feel 10 percent better, 20 percent better, but it’s really all about cleaning slate first and then you have this nice, clean, beautiful garden that, you know, OK, this is what I want to grow. I want to grow the citrus and the roses and the bushes, but not the weeds you’re making.


Jenny [00:19:31] Like I got to say, I consider myself a very healthy person.


Jenny [00:19:35] Obviously, I’m passionate about wellness, passionate about these topics. But you’re making me like, even think in my mind, like I need a 30 day cleanse like we all do. How often do people know that this is a this is a process? Because I know that over time it’s probably pretty good to do that cleanses. How often do you suggest people do that and what does that look like?


Dani [00:19:56] Yeah, so initially, if we’re starting to work together, I usually say we got to do a gut cleanse. Like if you haven’t done any sort of cleanse, we’ve got to do that and then you can kind of swap it in and out for like seasonal cleanses and detoxes. So usually every season you want to go through some sort of like twenty one day functional medicine cleanse that’s just like cleansing your liver and maybe incorporating more systems in the body instead of just solely a gut cleanse. And so I would like swap those in and out. So maybe like usually the first of the year, most people want a good gut cleanse because they’ve been eating all of the stuff. And so we would do like a gut cleanse, a holiday coming up.


Jenny [00:20:38] I’m sure you’re going to be busy come February. Yeah.


Dani [00:20:42] Yeah. So we would do like a gut cleanse. Kyu Won a twenty one day detox Q2 to Q3. We would do another good cleanse Q4. I love it. They detox and it does change like I am very. All about personalized protocols, because if you got one size fits all, no, no, I mean, there’s definitely a lot of the same things that help a lot of people. But I mean, there’s always exceptions to the rule.


Jenny [00:21:12] I love it. Well, and I love that you’re taking and walking people through this process because, you know, when you’re talking on nutrition alone, there’s so many people that are used to making those bad habits that I feel like to make this huge life change, you know, to think, oh, my gosh, I’ve got to climb this 50 foot wall to get to the other side to get my health back. I love how you’re breaking it down and kind of taking into actionable steps because I feel like so many people know what they have to do in a way like, no, they need to make changes that making those changes just becomes overwhelming. What is your coaching look like with the client? Like, how often do you work with them? I think it’s great. And I’ve told you this. I’m definitely excited to work for so many people that I know that need your services already. But what does that look like for you, like when you start with a new client and what’s the progression of when they can start seeing results and all of those sorts of things?


Dani [00:22:00] Yeah. So first, the first session that we have is just kind of me really getting to know you. So I think that’s one difference that a lot of people are like, well, I thought you were going to give me all these things to do. I I’m I’m a thinker. I’m like I like to sit and kind of like meditate, OK? I just met this person. This is what they’re dealing with before I throw all of this stuff at you. So the first one is really me asking a lot of questions. You can ask a lot of questions, too. I’ll give you, like, a little tangible things, like typically we would start the gut, cleanse that first session or I would send it to you so you could order it and all of that kind of stuff and get it ready to go. And then 30 days after that, we would come back on the phone and we would kind of come up with your supplement plan, your protocol. And I typically say, give me like six to 12 weeks, because you can really see some amazing results within 12 weeks. Sometimes if it’s kind of an acute issue, maybe six weeks, but ideally, like 12 weeks is kind of like the cutoff. And that’s kind of how my packages are built in. So we have those first two meetings in month one and then we meet again for another follow up. Checking in. How are the supplements going? How’s the diet going? How’s your stress? Are you exercising like it’s really all about lifestyle and understanding? What is your lifestyle? Are you able to like? I’m also very budget conscious because I know for myself when I was dealing with this, sure, I put it all on my credit card, but like, that wasn’t the greatest feeling either. And so for me to be like, OK, you’re comfortable spending 50 bucks a month on supplements. These are what we need to focus on. If you’re if you’re like, I will do whatever you tell me to do, then that’s a different that’s a different scenario. And so we have that check in. And then after that we do two 30 minute follow up calls. So that takes us to about 12 weeks. And then from there, we kind of reassess. How are you feeling? What do you want to do? Some people are like, oh my gosh, I’m feeling great now. I want to go to the next level or I want to work on anti aging or I want to work on, like, improving my skin texture or like like what’s next. So I love it, really. It’s an evolution.


Dani [00:24:14] I wish I could give you all of it in one session, but it’s just not for a while.


Jenny [00:24:19] You’ve got anti aging and I’ve been really passionate about the anti aging topic for a long time. I mean, who doesn’t want to look younger, feel better, age slower? Right.


Jenny [00:24:28] And I think I want to do this to like public life.


Jenny [00:24:32] I mean, come on now. And you’re right. There are so many supplements out there. I think the quality of understanding that, you know, there is a way to influence our genes. Even I’ve been really passionate about the topic of epigenetics and things like that. So I just love this. And hormones also. I know we kind of briefly touched on hormones. What what can you before we kind of wrap this up, what can you tell us about hormones and the role that they play and how that’s connected to the gut as well as our major organs, our liver and kidneys and things like that? Can you just give us a little quick excerpt on on hormones? And I know as an aging woman, I’m almost going to be forty. I’m looking at the concept of possibly going through menopause here in the next ten years. And it’s terrifying. You hear these horror stories, but so what can you tell all of the women that are maybe watching us that are not yet menopausal, that are menopausal? How does hormones play a role and how can we influence that process in the body?


Dani [00:25:27] Yeah, so hormones are huge, obviously, with acne and anti aging even and all of that good stuff. So sometimes I will say it is necessary to do functional lab testing to really get a good picture of what your hormones are doing, because it really is a dance, especially for us women who are still cycling or even getting into that perimenopausal like premenopausal, that kind of stuff. It is a dance and it’s like you’re sure you and.


Jenny [00:25:56] They are doing that right now, by the way, guys like working with Danny, which I’m super excited about it, I never took it, taking a picture of my hormones or thought, where am I at? So I’m checking them just because I know that this is a part of working with you and I’m excited about it. I mean, do I want to know? Probably not. In fact, I got to do my my little spit tube today. But anyway, yeah, I got nervous about it.


Dani [00:26:19] But I think it’s important to know where you’re at is what it is very important. And there are some like little triggers that you can kind of glean information from. Like I always tell people, track your cycle and figure out if you break out at specific times of your cycle every single month, because that can give us some really good information, especially if you don’t have the budget to do lab testing or you’re just not in that that space yet to do something like that. That can give us some really good insight, because if you’re estrogen and progesterone and your testosterone aren’t playing nice, nothing’s going to play nice. And then if you’re stressed, this is one big thing that I know everyone talks about stress, but I think this helped it click for me when you’re stressed. Your body has to create more cortisol. There really is no such thing as adrenal fatigue because you’re adrenals don’t stop producing cortisol because if it did, you would die and your body’s main goal is to prevent you from dying. So it never stops secreting cortisol. What happens is the systems in the body stop reacting to cortisol. But one thing as women are ovaries, never stop reacting to cortisol, which can increase our testosterone because we need that. Like, oh, like I’m like, I’m going to fight this lion. I’m going to charge. I got to go. Like, we got to survive. It also steals from progesterone and estrogen, which are those two hormones that give us that beautiful, like glow. Like when you see a pregnant woman, they have that glow because of all that progesterone that surging through them. But if you’re constantly stressed and your body is having to make more and more and more and more cortisol, it’s stealing from all of those hormones. And in the cyst, I have this chart that I typically walk my clients through and you can see. It starts with pregnant alone and then it goes to all of the other, like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, but if you’re stressed, the cortisol literally steals from it and it’s like we’re taking all of it.


Jenny [00:28:19] It’s like a OR. I mean, our body systems are in that mode as well. And I love I love what you said to me that was such a like a very, very huge nugget.


Jenny [00:28:28] I think for all of our listeners to take away is understanding that the body is a system. And you cannot like you said in the beginning, this is I think this is just a great way to wrap it all around. You can’t just treat one system, you know, and not look at the underlying causes or the other the other parts of the systems that are interconnected and interwoven together. And you and I have this conversation even about emotional stress and emotional healing. And, you know, we have very much in common the fact that our mothers had gone through breast cancer, have gone through the journey of breast cancer. And I love it. I can’t wait to talk more about that. But it’s so interesting that we have to pay attention to what our body is saying from the beginning and recognize the warning signs address. Understand that we have to think differently even than what the medical system is going to tell us. And this is my passion. Always educate before you participate, understand that you are your best doctor and that you have to get to the root of these issues so that you can experience a better part aging better, aging more gracefully, and all of these things that are wrapped up. I absolutely love that. And I never heard I mean, I know a lot about people talking about adrenal fatigue and things like that, but the fact that you kind of made that reference, that it’s not the adrenal glands, but the systems. That was Jean. I’ve never heard that.


Dani [00:29:44] So I love it. One quick thing, too, on hormones is they were actually doing studies on like a indigenous cultures. So that’s where they don’t have like the Westernized diet and like all of the toxins and stuff like that. And they were looking at the females and they actually showed that, like adolescents, they they don’t get acne. They actually don’t even have a word for acne because they don’t know what it is. And then the women never went through menopause. Well, they never got any of the signs or symptoms, and so that just can kind of solidify that. It’s definitely our lifestyle that absolutely triggering a lot of the environmental toxins there’s.


Jenny [00:30:26] Series, I won’t go too deep into the girl that we want to make a part two to this, because I can talk all day, I talk about toxins in the environment that I’m passionate about advocating in the medical freedom movement and understanding the impact of what we are literally making a decision to do. We’re stepping up and we’re making these decisions based on what we’ve been told by a medical doctor who’s been at the end of the day. When you’re looking at the underlying cause of that, what what are they teaching us? I mean, we can we’ll we’ll have to do a part two to this series about toxins and get into that because it’s huge. And we have a way to, like I said, influence our genes, influence the way we age. And it all starts with education. I love it. And people can find you where. Danny, I know you have a podcast to tell us all about, where they can find you, how they can connect with you. Because I have I’m excited. I know that our breakfast meeting, I was like, girl, we’re friends forever.


Dani [00:31:28] I love it. Yeah. So I have a podcast. It’s called Detoxing with Danny. I hang out on Instagram all day, every day. That’s where you can kind of see what I do on my, like, day to day. My website is detoxing with Danny. I have a bunch of resources over there, free stuff, all that kind of fun, fun resources for you to dig into.


Jenny [00:31:49] And I love it. I love it. Cool. Well, thank you so much. And like I said, let’s make this a part two. Let’s talk again.


Jenny [00:31:56] I’ve enjoyed talking with you today. I know that the people that are tuning in on my podcast are loving this information. And I just appreciate you taking what you’ve gone through, your struggles and giving it back and helping people. I think that there’s always blessings in that. And so I’m just really excited to follow your journey and thankful that we’ve connected and that we’re on pretty much the same path here. It’s just great and looking forward to connecting with you again. So thank you, everybody, for tuning in. Thank you for taking time to be with us today. I appreciate you guys. And Danny, would you like to leave us any last words, any few words before we end today?


Dani [00:32:30] Oh, gosh. Put me on the spot. Don’t underestimate your intuition because it will be your ultimate guide, like leaving your little cricket in Pinocchio.


Dani [00:32:46] I know it does.


Dani [00:32:47] It will it will guide you. I swear it saved my life. There’s like a whole prequel to my acne story that I didn’t even get into. But it will I think it will definitely save your life. So, yes. Listen to your intuition.


Jenny [00:33:38] I love it. Empowering you guys always to take your health back, educate before you participate, and just live well. So, love you all, thanks for tuning in, and thanks, Dani, We’ll chat soon.


Dani [00:33:48] Take care guys!


Jenny [00:33:52] Before you go, I wanted to tell you about a brand new tool and freebie that I’ve created for you. It’s a toxic load quiz that let’s you know how heavy of a toxic load you’re putting on your body.


Jenny [00:34:03] I believe that one of the first steps on your journey to better health is reducing toxins. After you take the quiz, you’ll also get a free, simple guide to help you create a strategy for lowering your score.


Jenny [00:34:16] head over now to and take the quiz today.

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