Part 1 - Ashley Everly On Vaccines
Today on Live Well with Jenny I am excited to interview Renowned Toxicologist and Medical Freedom Activist Ashley Everly. In this 2 part series, we will be discussing vaccine ingredients and vaccine injury. You can find more info about Ashley and her Vaccine Guide at the link below.

Jenny [00:00:01] Hey, guys, this is a part one of a two part interview with the amazing Ashley Everleigh, make sure to catch both. I decided to share the full interview because there was just too much information and too much incredible content to fit into just one podcast.


Jenny [00:00:16] All right, guys. Well, welcome. We are excited to be here with you guys today. And before I start this interview today, I want to just make a disclaimer that we’re not here to cure or treat, prevent, mitigate disease. We are not here to Ashlee’s kind of looking at me like, well, maybe we are. No, no.


Ashleigh [00:00:37] I just kind of wince, but we have to say that. But that’s true.


Jenny [00:00:41] I mean, we definitely want to make sure that, you know, we’re sharing with you guys today is of our opinion and we are not your medical doctor. So I just want to make that proper disclosure. So my Brandy girl made me say that, by the way. So for those of you guys tuning in that don’t know me, my name is Jenny Crane. And I started my journey down down the wellness path, a deep journey 10 years ago. I had my own chronic health condition that I was struggling with and was 30 years old at the time. And I thought this should not be happening. Like, why am I so sick? Why am I not feeling well? And that was really my journey into going and diving into research. Ashley, thank you so much for being here with us today. You’re a researcher. We respect and value so much. And when I started uncovering the truth about the healing power of the human body, I was awakened. And it really I dove in. And I’ve been blessed over this last eight years to be able to help people through chronic illness. Now, vaccine injury is one of my biggest passions, and my passion is to let people know that they have to trust in the healing power of their body. And we’ve been taught to walk away from that for a long time now. So I really dug deeper two years ago when my mother I’m going to get emotional when I say this. My mom was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and walking through that journey with her and watching her have the faith to walk outside of the system to get help, I have to say that she’s completely, radically recovered from triple negative breast cancer out of the system. And walking through that moment with her really just empowered me more that there’s so much more out there in that we need to really educate people on the options that they have. So that’s a little bit about my journey. I’m just a passionate mama that loves her kids and I love to see people heal. I love to see people overcome challenges. And I’m so thankful that we get to hear from Ashley today, because I remember a girlfriend of mine reaching out last year and saying, oh, my gosh, you’ve got to follow this girl online, Ashley Everleigh. And I’m like, who is she? So, you know, I go online and immediately it was like, she’s the real deal. Ashley, you are truly one of the most influential leaders in this movement of medical freedom. And we’re just thankful that you are passionate about speaking the truth, doing your research. So you guys actually received her bachelor’s of science in toxicology from UC Davis, and she’s currently working as a consultant for the nonprofit organization Health Freedom Idaho. Her son’s vaccine injury propelled her to investigate the medical literature on vaccines, on natural health, nutrition and vaccine safety. What she found motivated her to create a free online resource guide called the Vaccine Guide, which we’re going to be getting you guys the plug to that and how to order that. But her goal is to primarily provide true informed consent to parents and individuals who are trying to educate on vaccines. So we’re thankful that you’re here. Ashley, thank you so much for taking this time away from your family to be with us and bless us today with this information. So if you can just start by telling us a little bit more about your credentials and your story and what really propelled you down this path.


Jenny [00:03:59] We’re excited to hear from you.


Ashleigh [00:04:01] Sure. Yeah. Thank you so much for your kind words, for the way it’s always hard for me to know how to respond to that, because this is something that I just found myself doing. I had no idea that this would be my internal calling or whatever you want to call it. So, yeah, I got my bachelor’s science in environmental toxicology and the only reason I went that direction was because I found it so fascinating study of poisons and how toxins can affect the body and how our body works to detoxify those incoming threats. So the vaccines weren’t on my radar until my eye was pretty with my son, my firstborn. So and my mom gave me the Dr. Sears book, the vaccine book. And I know I. Hardly knew anything about vaccines and actually, looking back, kind of shocked that I mean, I took a class on toxicology and industry and not once did we learn about vaccines. So looking back, that’s really frustrating for me because, I mean, I did an entire presentation on the drug Singulair and how it affects the body and how some people are susceptible to these neuro enhanced effects. And anyway, so didn’t learn anything about vaccines, got the vaccine book, started looking at the ingredients, was just blown away. And at that point, I didn’t even know that there was aborted fetal tissue used in vaccine development. I was mostly focused on the aluminum. So when I tried to get my son vaccinated, I still believed in vaccines. At the time, I hadn’t really spent enough time in the research to know that. I know. It’s just it’s at any mother can attest to this that the amount of information out there is beyond overwhelming. I mean, it’s just a where do you start? How do you how do you figure out what information is factual, what information is not? Yeah, of course, you’re going to have parents and people saying, don’t listen to mom blogs. And, you know, these are just conspiracy theories and don’t don’t use YouTube videos as your sorry, I don’t use YouTube videos as your evidence or your research. Right. Well, coming from a scientific background, all I did was go to the medical research. And someone sent me an article, I would look immediately for the sources, where are the sources, where is the research?


Ashleigh [00:06:57] And so.


Ashleigh [00:07:00] Yeah, but that wasn’t until after my son was vaccine injured, so I went and I decided I wanted to get him the pertussis vaccine to get him vaccine for whooping cough. And he. He was four months old, so I delayed until four months, but looking back, I actually think he was given he’d be in the hospital against my wishes. And I also think that I have with my daughter as well. But I’ve heard of that happening many, many times. So I just wouldn’t be surprised at this point. But going back, you know, I at the time was a little worried about whooping cough because there was an outbreak. It was two thousand eleven people were worried. So I asked my doctor if there’s any vaccine that you would recommend, what would you do? And he said, what would cough? And I kind of felt the same way. And so I was like, OK, I’ll go forward with it. I asked the nurse, do you have a polio vaccine? She said, yes, she kept pressuring me. He really needs to have rotavirus. He really needs to have this really needs to have that. And I said, you know what? I really just want to get the top only and kept rolling her eyes at me. Eventually she came back. Even the short months later, I went back because I was trying to selectively and delay space out the vaccines. And I found out he was giving pediatrics, which is DTAP happy and polio. And that was the one vaccine I was trying to avoid because in that Dr. Seres vaccine book, it goes over the amount of aluminum in each vaccine. And he says very clearly, you want to avoid the ones with the most aluminum. If you’re going to give your child a vaccine, at least get the ones that have less aluminum in. Your ex is the one that has the most aluminum of any other shop in existence licensed for use right now. So so anyway, that was you know, that was shocking for me. And just to have that decision taken away from you, you know, as a parent is I just happened to so many, so many parents. So after that, I was still worried about certain vaccine associated diseases or infections. And I continue to vaccinate him here and there. What do you mean when he was around two years old, when I stopped, but he only got about. I think 13 total vaccines, whereas most kids get so many more than that by the time marriage to this point, but anyway, he just had all these developmental delays. He had basically all the signs and symptoms of autism on kind of a mild to moderate level, depending on the symptom. And it was something that I just couldn’t shake within myself. Like, something’s wrong. This is not right. I didn’t have any health issues as a kid. You know, I don’t remember having developmental delays. My mom saying anything about this. I don’t you know, this is just not sitting right with me. And, you know, as a mom, you have these intuitive, this intuitive sense, you know, like something’s just not right. And so it propelled me to dove in more to the to the research. And by the time my daughter was born a couple of years later, when my son was little, over two years old, that’s why I stopped. As I said, I’ve. I’m having another baby. I need to know for sure how I feel about this, what’s the truth about this? I don’t want to just be making a decision based on fear. So.


Jenny [00:10:40] So I always like to call it the rabbit hole, because once you start digging, you’re uncovering fact after fact. And what I appreciate, appreciate about you, actually, is that you really know what science and what’s not. Right. And that’s what I’ve noticed in following you, is that you’re really searching for those sources, for those for those of you of the people that are watching this, that are brand new to this whole topic. Will you just explain to them what the difference in the vaccine schedule looks like compared to back in the 80s, like how many vaccines by the time a child is fully grown and developed? Do they have compared to what that used to look like five, 10? Because this is one of the foundational idea.


Ashleigh [00:11:24] Definitely so when I was a kid, we received around twenty four doses of vaccines by the time we were 18, and that has ever since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, that has tripled. So around the age of 18, I think you get sixty nine to 70 doses of vaccines, which so a lot of the older generation just doesn’t understand that. Yeah, we might have gotten some vaccines back in the day, but now it’s like, gosh, it’s this onslaught of injections every few months. It seems so.


Jenny [00:12:05] Yeah, and then you include the flu shot on top of that, so I don’t know what that makes the number. I know it goes up definitely compared to how many years they’re vaccinating for that. But what specifically is the debt to the detriment of vaccines? What’s in the vaccines? That’s that’s most dangerous to the human body.


Ashleigh [00:12:23] So I would say that there’s probably three ingredients that are typically the ones that people focus on, and that would be aluminum, mercury and then the aborted fetal cell DNA. Besides that, you have poly sorbet, 80. And some people are concerned about the formaldehyde content of these vaccines, considering it is listed as a probable carcinogen. I believe so. But the thing that I focused on for myself, based on my own son and his experience with the vaccines he received, I focused heavily on the aluminum. There’s this bio inorganic chemist, I’m sure you’ve heard of him, Chris XLE from Keele University in the U.K. and he has been studying aluminum toxicity for thirty five years and numerous published papers on the toxicity of aluminum, specifically neurotoxicity. And gosh, the amount of research that is out there is mind boggling for for the CDC and our pharmaceutical companies to continue using a little bit of vaccines. It’s just it’s mind blowing. So the aluminum in vaccines is definitely toxic. It’s there’s so much research out there looking at the specific dose that a child will receive and over the certain over the first year or first six months of the child’s life. How does that compare to, let’s say, the amount of aluminum in breast milk? That’s something that a lot of pro vaccine advocates will say, well, you know, a baby gets more aluminum than their breast milk. And so the amount of aluminum in vaccines is negligible compared to that. Well, again, you have to go back to the root of exposure. You that’s one of the first things that we learn in a toxicology course is that the toxicity of a substance is dependent upon not only the dose. Yes, the dose makes the poison look, everybody says, but also the route of exposure. So that’s the thing that most people who believe in vaccines are not not outstanding when they look at that aluminum argument. So the amount that’s injected based on the absorption rate yields all of the aluminum that is injected into the body versus that’s the concept behind injection versus ingestion.


Jenny [00:15:02] That what, you’re OK?


Ashleigh [00:15:04] Yeah. And so when you ingest the aluminum through breast milk as a baby, you’re only absorbing point one to point four percent of that aluminum compared to one hundred percent. So you have to factor that absorption rate in and it makes a huge difference. So the amount of aluminum you’re getting, the vaccines that you absorb into the body is way, more way, way, way more than what you would get. You know, as a nursing infant through breast milk, so and that aluminum causes so much, so many problems with the neurological system, I mean, we know now that we wouldn’t have Alzheimer’s without aluminum and neurodegeneration. And we see that happening in the elderly. Well, it’s happening in our children, too, because they’re developing and during these critical neurodevelopmental phases of their lives, they’re being injected with neurotoxins that damage the growth of these areas of the brain. And then we wonder why, you know, we have aluminum studies which have found that it it gravitates towards a certain part of the brain. And then we have autism studies that have found that this particular part of the brain is most damaged and tends to be damaged in autism. And then we’re injecting aluminum into our children. And that alters the rate of autism is skyrocketing. It’s just it’s like, can we put two and two together here? Can we just look at the research and have some common sense? So and no, just because it’s an aluminum salt salt does not make it safe. So but I could go on and on about all of this stuff. I don’t want to take to go on and on.


Jenny [00:16:54] I think we’re seeing we’re sitting here in quarantine. Who best can we hear from this topic? So let’s do it faster. I love that you touched on injection versus ingestion. For anybody that’s watching this and learning about this for the first time. Definitely do your research on that.


Jenny [00:17:10] Let’s talk about the polio vaccine, because that’s one of the biggest things that I hear people saying, well, pull up polio was eradicated from the planet. You know, thank God for the polio vaccine. And let’s talk specifically about SB 40 and why the polio vaccine isn’t what people think it is.


Jenny [00:17:29] So I guess we can start there with that, because I know we can do a whole hour to a subject or topic on just the polio vaccine, so.


Ashleigh [00:17:37] Sure. Yeah. So the polio vaccine, I’ll touch on the 40. The polio vaccine uses monkey kidney cells. To grow the polio virus in order to make the vaccine so one of the first polio vaccines that was used or licensed for use in the US actually was contaminated with a virus from those monkey cells. Basically, SB 40 stands for simian virus 40 No. 40. So they found in a lot of different research studies that certain brain cancers, they found this S.V. 40 virus within these cancers and these tumors in the brain. And so, I mean, that right there is just it’s astounding because we’re using cells from animals or humans with the aborted fetal cells, and we can’t exactly purify it the way that needs to be purified to completely get rid of all of the other viruses that may also be in the solution. So that right there, if you haven’t heard about that before, that is an actual thing. There’s research on this that SB 40 has been found in tumors of brain cancer and that SB 40 was in the polio vaccines. So, of course, they’ve changed the polio vaccine since then. However, going back to polio just in general, and so many people use polio as an example for why vaccines work, why vaccines are just the most wonderful miracle of all medical advancement. Right. So. Back in the 1950s, when we were having all these polio outbreaks, it’s a lot like what we’re seeing now. OK, we have people panicking. We had I mean, I wasn’t alive then, but we had people freaking out. They weren’t going to public pools. They were worried about their kids catching this virus, OK?


Ashleigh [00:19:57] Now.


Ashleigh [00:19:59] At the time, all these doctors were actually getting financial compensation from the federal government when they had polio cases in their practices. So right there you have a financial incentive to diagnose polio. Not only that, but they did not have to actually test to confirm for polio when they diagnosed the child with polio. Sounds familiar. Yes, very familiar with what’s going on today with Coronavirus. So they did not have the test. And so what happened was with at the time, polio symptoms could have been a temporary muscle weakness. So if you had cold symptoms with a little temporary muscle weakness in your arm or leg, that’s polio, you could recover in a week, have no more muscle weakness, and that would have still been documented as polio. But people nowadays, when they think of polio, they think of. Permanent paralysis in an iron lung. OK, so but that wasn’t the case when you hear about polio being this horrible, horrible disease and how we eradicated polio. Well, this is what happened. We had so many children getting polio, but it was temporary muscle weakness. Then once the polio vaccine was introduced and became widely adopted or widely used. All of a sudden now the rules changed, they had to change the diagnostic criteria. They all of a sudden had to test, had to do an actual test to confirm whether or not the virus was present. So what ended up happening was that cases of reported polio continue to to increase even in some areas, because the polio vaccine actually could cause polio or one thing or paralysis just in general, maybe not polio. What do you say?


Jenny [00:22:06] I said that’s the dirty little secret. I was going to bring that up next. Right.


Ashleigh [00:22:11] So the vaccine itself could cause paralysis, which it is not doing in other countries in the developed world or underdeveloped world. So we ended up happening was that the reported cases may have increased or stayed the same, but you have the confirmed cases where they actually have the test. Those were the ones they used and those are the ones that dropped. What ended up happening was during the same time period, they started realizing, wow, there’s actually other viruses that can cause polio like symptoms. So you have transverse myelitis and Guion Baret syndrome and aseptic meningitis. All of these cause same or similar symptoms as polio. And so prior to the vaccine being introduced, all those were also diagnosed as polio. And when you actually look at at the peak of the epidemic of polio in nineteen fifty two, I did all the the math and the numbers and basically back then, you know, we’re led to believe that. People were dropping like flies. But the reality of the situation was that the polio in 1952, at the height of the epidemic, like I said, was affecting point zero three percent of the population.


Ashleigh [00:23:38] So.


Ashleigh [00:23:40] Nowadays, when you look at aseptic meningitis, transverse myelitis, Youngberry syndrome, and you calculate how much what’s the percentage of our population now that has those and is diagnosed with those every year, it’s nearly identical. It’s like point zero to seven percent. OK, so what we did was we renamed polio and we stopped scaring people via the media, via our government. And people took a vaccine and believe that this was magic, basically.


Jenny [00:24:18] Yeah, you know, when they first start, let’s talk about the dirty little polio vaccine secret, I like to bring this up because people are so unaware as to the difference between the very P in the IPV. So going from the oral version, the oral version, which is what, by the way, Bill Gates gave to all the kids in India with the oral version of the polio vaccine. So. Can you explain why they they stopped giving the oral polio vaccine in the US and then moved over to the injection, to the injection form of the polio vaccine?


Ashleigh [00:24:52] Yeah. So the oral polio vaccine is a live virus vaccine. And so it was actually causing many cases of polio was paralyzing children. So they ended up going to the inactivated IPV polio vaccine here in the US, but they continued to give the oral, oral, the oral polio vaccine in developing countries. So and that’s what they’re finding. You don’t really find this here in the US, this information. But in Indian news sources, you will find articles saying that, gosh, we had this influx of polio vaccination, we had this polio vaccine campaign come in and vaccinate forty thousand people. And then what happens months later? We have this outbreak of paralysis across the country. And there’s scientific research that linked that polio vaccine, the oral polio vaccine to paralysis.


Jenny [00:26:04] Yeah, it’s one of those things. You get a man that’s trying to save the world with his vaccine agenda going over and practicing medical practicing medicine without a medical license. To me, that’s a big problem. He calls himself a health expert.


Jenny [00:26:18] Yeah, well, I think it’s one of those things that until people start waking up and understanding the gravity of the situation, things aren’t going to change. But that’s why we’re here today, guys. So, by the way, if you guys are watching to share this, share this that this replay with everybody that you know, let’s talk about the MMR vaccine. You know, one of the biggest arguments as well in the pro backs movement is why aren’t we dying of the measles anymore? Like this is the MMR vaccine has wiped out of, you know, out of population. So what is the biggest misconception there with the MMR vaccine, which we know is one of the most linked to vaccine injury, by the way?


Ashleigh [00:26:58] So, yeah, I mean, there’s a lot there is. I’ve done a two and a half hour presentation on just measles and the MMR vaccine alone, and it still wasn’t everything that I could have shared on it. So I’ll try to go quickly, but I could do a series to this interview about the MMR. OK, so. First, you have measles wasn’t an issue in the 1960s, guys, it just wasn’t the whole point of the MMR vaccine or the measles vaccine back then was because they were excited to to accomplish this this goal of eradicating disease. So it was it was the scientific achievement that they were going for. And they thought that, gosh, if we could just get 60 percent. Population vaccinated, we have no more measles, we eradicate all diseases. This would be amazing, didn’t happen. OK, not just that, but a lot of people still even in nineteen sixty nine, you have this Brady Bunch episode where all the kids get measles. OK, that was six years after the vaccine was introduced, by the way. But all the kids get measles in the Brady Bunch episode and the kids are. It’s the running joke of the show. It’s they’re not scared. They’re, they’re saying, hey, you got to get sick. You sure can’t beat the measles, stay home and not have to go to school for a week, you know, so. It was nutrition, it was primarily vitamin D deficiency that reduced the death and morbidity, even the incidence of measles, even OK, because there’s scientific research that not only shows that vitamin D deficiency reduces the complications and deaths from measles, but the incidence, whether or not you actually even contract measles, if you are a vitamin, is sufficient and you are otherwise not malnourished. Right. You might not even contract measles if you’re exposed because your body is not susceptible to it. So we have this major decline before the vaccine. Of death from measles in nineteen sixty, it was your risk of dying from measles if you lived in us, was one in five hundred thousand. So that’s how low your risk was of dying of needles, and every year there was about five million people who contracted measles in the US out of a population of one hundred and eighty point seven million. So it’s not like without the vaccine, we would have all of the population contracting measles. No, we only had a very small percentage of the population actually contracting measles even before we had a vaccine. And the good thing was, was that all of those people, almost all of them, the very few. Yes, some died. That is going to be how it is with every infectious disease that is ever been in existence. There’s always going to be someone who’s susceptible. And you can’t eliminate that, I don’t think. But it was near zero before the vaccine. OK, so but then everybody else who contracted it gains natural immunity, lifetime immunity and protects everybody else. So anyway, we introduced this vaccine that is almost pointless, in my opinion, almost pointless. They were running off the steam of the polio vaccine and everybody was excited to be able to eradicate infectious disease. Well. Again, you have a change in diagnostic criteria, the MMR vaccine causes symptoms of measles five percent of the time documented in the research causes the very exact same symptoms of measles. And in order to distinguish between live measles, wild type measles versus vaccine measles, they have to do genotype testing because they can’t determine based on symptoms, same symptoms. Right. So basically, you’re getting measles from the vaccine five percent of the time. But the doctors don’t they don’t label that or document that as measles. OK, so how many people over the years have how many children have gotten measles basically from the vaccine? But it’s not documented as measles. Probably thousands and thousands because you get or more than that, because if you have 10 million people getting the MMR vaccine every year, five percent of 10 million, that’s a lot are not documented as measles. OK, then you have the MMR vaccine. Gosh, yes. It’s a live virus vaccine. It uses human abortive cells in the development of the vaccine and the manufacturing of the vaccine. So now you’re getting fragments of DNA from that aborted fetus into your body, which has not been tested for mutagenesis or carcinogenicity by the vaccine manufacturers themselves, nor the CDC. They’re like, no, we don’t test for this. Well, if this DNA from this aborted fetus is injected into your body and then causes this immune response and I mean. You’d think we’d want to know what happens when we do something like that, but the only people that have really looked into that, Dr. Theresa Deicer, she is known for, she discovered adult human stem cells. So she’s not just some like, you know, everybody says that not everybody, but a lot of people who support the vaccine program are saying, you know, all these people who published studies on vaccines being harmful, they’re just quacks. No, she’s not a quack. She’s very intelligent, spoken before Congress. I mean, she, like I said, discovered adult stem cells. She found that when you in when you basically inject like she didn’t do this in a human being. But basically she found that these fragments of DNA from the aborted fetuses used in the MMR vaccine production can actually integrate into the host DNA. So right there, it’s like, well, gosh, this is mutating. This has the potential to mutate our DNA. And then we have really no idea what the long term consequences of that could be. So that’s some of it, you know, but ultimately, when I compared the adverse event rate from measles back before the vaccine was introduced to the adverse event rate of the MMR vaccine now. My own calculations, I have a post on this on Facebook, by the way, is that we actually have twice as many adverse events happening from the MMR vaccine now as opposed to the measles virus back in nineteen sixty.


Jenny [00:34:16] Can you explain a little bit deeper as to what that looks like, the shedding aspect of the vaccine? And not only that, to me, understanding the power of the immune system and the whole deal is so important, know we’re hijacking our body’s immune response when we’re injecting these vaccines into our kids. And a lot of the times that’s how our body builds immunity. Right. Getting childhood to protect down the road against things like cancer and adult onset diseases that come with aging oxidative stress and all of those things. Can you explain? How radically this is affecting now the cancer rate, like, let’s just let’s just look at cancer and we can talk about many different diseases, but. It’s radical, I mean, I just.


Ashleigh [00:35:08] Yeah, yeah, let me close this really quick. This is really bright and then I’ll get back here. The windows, like the sunlight came in, was like in my face and it’s going to be a longer interview. But stick to the end, you’re going to want to hear. Stay with me. So. Right. There’s studies that have found that when you contract natural wild type measles, that it reduces your risk of cancer later in life, especially as a child. So if you can track it as a child, then you have a reduced risk of cancer. Now, this goes across the board for months, will be caught chickenpox as well, not just measles. So you can track all those other ones. You have a reduced risk of cancer. So that’s something. And we sorry, my brain’s going a million different places right now. But so the other thing that some people may not know is that they’re actually using measles as a therapy measles virus, as a therapy for cancer. And some in some instances so and there have been all these are case reports of people who had cancers. They went into remission after they contracted measles. And there’s actually new stories of this back in the 60s where these children had these these horrible diseases and they there was no hope and then they realized, oh, my gosh, this child recovered after they got measles. And there’s literally people searching for who has measles. I need to get my child measles and the child recovers. I mean, it’s like. If we have this correlation, this connection, this, I mean, obvious benefit to contracting measles. What are we doing when we are trying to prevent ourselves from contracting measles? I mean, it’s no it’s no surprise then it shouldn’t be that childhood cancers have steadily increased since the 80s. I mean, that’s scary. Cancer used to be something that only the very elderly developed.


Ashleigh [00:37:21] And now it’s like, holy cow, children, one infants.


Ashleigh [00:37:27] This is insane, right? I mean, it’s not just cancer, like you said, it’s all of these other chronic illnesses that children have these days. Like, for example, the MMR vaccine causes chronic arthritis and the vaccine injury compensation program. The federal government will compensate you if you have the had gotten the MMR vaccine or your child’s gotten the MMR vaccine. And then up to forty two days later, if you’re diagnosed with chronic arthritis, then you can get financially compensated for that because you cannot sue the manufacturer, of course. But and the only reason they have that time limit on it is because they haven’t done the studies to see how far out it can trigger chronic arthritis.


Jenny [00:38:10] So but I was going to ask this autoimmune question a little bit later in the interview. But I guess since we’re talking about chronic illness and the fact that autoimmune disorders in general are on the rise, people suffering from lupus and gosh, I can go on and name a thousand autoimmune, not a thousand, but a lot of autoimmune diseases. We know that it’s on the rise. How is this whole vaccine agenda or program impacting the world of autoimmune disorders? Like what is the biggest connection between autoimmune and vaccination?


Ashleigh [00:38:44] Right, so I would say in my opinion, I mean, there’s a lot of different ways that vaccines can cause autoimmunity, I believe. But one of the biggest reasons we are seeing a huge increase in autoimmunity is due to the aluminum in the vaccines. There’s a syndrome that has like I said, there’s so much research on this called autoimmune auto inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. And the aluminum is used in vaccines as an adjuvant. And what is an adjuvant and adjuvant is soup is intended to provoke the immune system, because when you have a vaccine that is using a dead virus or an inactivated virus, it’s not a live virus, well, then the body does not really look at it the same way. Right? It it it doesn’t react to the virus as these vaccine scientists want it to. They want the immune system to kind of pounce on the antigen within the vaccine and then go through the motions that are supposed to go through. Well, what we have is the immune system is not responding. So what do we do? We use aluminum or in other adjuvant, but around, let’s say, 60 percent of the vaccines we currently use today have aluminum as the adjuvant, the pertussis vaccine, the HPV vaccine, pneumococcal, HIB, all of those vaccines use aluminum, you know, different amounts of aluminum, but basically. The only reason, the reason why the immune system reacts is because aluminum is toxic. The immune system is properly identifying aluminum when it is injected into the body as harmful. And that is why the immune system responds and says, oh, my gosh, we have to do something. Otherwise it wouldn’t do anything right. So you have to have and even the World Health Organization recently said that this is the tricky thing with adjuvants, because they are the whole point of an agreement is to provoke the immune system. And the only reason it would provoke is because it’s harmful. It’s identified as toxic or harmful. So this autoimmune auto inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants is there’s this huge field of study on it. Different researchers and scientists and experts in rheumatology and aluminum toxicology and autoimmunity in general are looking at the fact that when you inject a vaccine which contains aluminum into your arm, let’s say that aluminum can stay there and remain at the injection site for years, years as your body and your white blood cells, your macrophages try to encapsulate in or attack or try to get rid of that particulate aluminum that’s now being deposited in your muscle tissue, saturated in blood and then transported around the body. Well, you know, some people even get like this nodule on their arm, which is basically indicative of that aluminum that is trapped there at the site. But what’s happened is that a lot of these people who they develop autoimmune syndromes like chronic fatigue syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis, I mean, there’s but there’s a lot of other ones as well that don’t necessarily have to do with muscle pain and inflammation or ligament tissue.


Ashleigh [00:42:45] And then.


Ashleigh [00:42:48] Irritable bowel diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and thyroid autoimmunity, you know, inflammation of the heart, myocarditis, all of these things have been linked to the aluminum getting injected into the body. They’ve not only done studies where they’ve biopsied the arm to see if the aluminum was there 10 years later. Yes, 10 years later. But they’ve recreated this phenomenon in a lab. So it’s like there’s there’s no denying that this is happening. I mean, there is a hospital in, I think, France where they are treating like six hundred people. And the only reason they’re treating that many people there and the only reason we don’t have hospitals here treating people is because they know about it there. They know about it. Right. And so. This is just I mean, we have this explosion of autoimmunity in our population. I mean, it’s just I mean, I had an autoimmune disease. I had thyroid autoimmunity. Right. And I’m still working through it. And I’ve recovered quite a bit from it. And I’ve reversed almost pretty much all my symptoms. But, you know, it’s aluminum, isn’t everything, right? It’s like we’re exposed to it in so many ways. And it’s no wonder that younger and younger and younger individuals are developing autoimmunity when they’re being injected with something that causes their immune system to try to attack them. What happens in you know, what I’m seeing happen and what I believe is happening is that this this aluminum is getting deposited in cells and then you have the immune system identifying and recognizing, gosh, if we have this aluminum in this tissue in the cellular tissue, it’s compromising the function of this cell. And so while it might otherwise look healthy, the immune system’s identifying, gosh, this cell needs to go. It’s not working correctly. There’s aluminum in it. It’s toxic. We got to get rid of the aluminum or get rid of the aluminum. The cell is killed, basically ripped apart. Right. And so it looks like the immune system is attacking healthy cells. I don’t believe that’s happening for a moment. I don’t believe it’s happening. We have this amazing biological system. And when you give it the right fuel, when you eat healthy, when you reduce your stress, when you sleep well and I mean, it’s like the body’s a miracle. OK, so.


Jenny [00:45:30] I don’t believe for a moment that, sister, let’s get this on this chat that believes the bodies a miracle drop immunity in the chat miracle. I love it. You said it perfectly. I want to play devil’s advocate for a moment and let’s talk.


Jenny [00:45:43] I know I didn’t think I was going to bring this up, but I think it’s important for people to understand the majority of the population that suffers with methylation issues. I mean, you’re talking about these factors coming in and this adding to the toxic load inside of the body. And then you have 40 to 50 percent of the population who genetically is predisposed to not being able detoxify on top of that. So considering injecting a let’s just say a person that’s DNA is perfectly presented with with the idea that it can detoxify and methylation properly, will you have 40 to 50 percent of the population that has some sort of empty Jeffard gene mutation and they can’t methylated properly? Right. They cannot detoxify heavy metals and we don’t even need to go into the science behind that. That’s a whole other. We could do another topic on another. An interview on that, but can you just give us an overall idea of how that impacts most of the population?


Ashleigh [00:46:48] Right. So the very basic idea of this is that you have this gene called VMT for Gene. And what my father stands for is methylene tetrahedral, folate productize. And so when you take in folic acid, that gene gene converts to an enzyme. And what happens is this enzyme is supposed to bind folic acid. It’s supposed to convert to folate. And then the folate is used for a wide variety of things. But one of the big things that it’s used for is gluten production. And glutathione is our major detoxifying molecule. When you look at phase one, phase two, detoxification in the body goodtimes, just very, very important. So it’s it’s a major antioxidant as well. We hear about vitamin C being antioxidant, but gluten is super antioxidant. So and you don’t just a side note, you don’t really want to take glutathione on itself because it will reduce it will be like a negative feedback. So we’ll down regulate your own production of what time you want to take a precursor to like an acetylcysteine, which helps boost your own body’s natural production. So not so, but. What happens is when you have someone who has a gene mutation or defect on the age of 14 and there’s a couple of different empty of our genes that we or SNPs single nucleotide polymorphisms that we are more aware of, and we have done more research on the major far that the gene that we have really looked into is the six seven seven T, and then there’s also a one twenty nine eight C. That’s a lot of details you don’t really need to know, but you can look into it. My I found out my son has two copies of the C six seven seven T mutation, which basically means that his capacity for detoxification is very, very low. Because what happens is, like I said, this gene that converts to the enzyme, you need the enzyme to fold a certain way. It kind of folds in on itself based on the chemistry of this, the structure, and needs to be able to bind folic acid, like I said, to convert to folate. Well, what happens is when you have the mutation, it just doesn’t fold. Right? And so a significant portion of the time, it can’t bind to folic acid to convert to folate. Now, if you have one gene mutation on this S&P, then you’ll still be able to, you know, fairly well converting folic acid or folate, but maybe 60 percent of the time. Right. When you have two mutations, it cuts it down to 10 percent because it just I mean, it just doesn’t work very well. And so you have a down the line, you have much less glutathione being produced by your body. And so when you’re injected with toxics, you’re not able to detoxify what you’re being injected with or what you’re ingesting or what you’re getting on your skin or what you’re breathing in. So, like my son, he was way more susceptible to vaccine injury, and even though he only had, gosh, like I said, maybe 13 vaccines, it really affected him. I mean, it really did. He ended up with a food intolerances and allergies and speech delays, neurodevelopmental delays. I mean, it was he had chronic stomach pain, tics, like all kinds of things. A long, long list, eczema. I mean, I can’t remember the whole thing because it’s been several years now, thankfully, and we’ve recovered him dramatically. But this is why you have kids that are seemingly totally OK when they get a vaccine. They don’t seem to show any symptoms. Now, that’s not to say that they are not being harmed internally because unfortunately, regardless of whether or not your body has is more capable of detoxifying and excreting out that aluminum or the mercury or whatever. It’s still causing damage along the way, you still end up with some deposited aluminum or mercury within the body and over time that begins to accumulate bioaccumulation. OK, it’s it’s basically the entire reason why the elderly have more health issues because they’ve accumulated more over their many years of life. Right. And that’s why it’s so concerning that we have children having autoimmune diseases and cancer because they’re accumulating so much more at an earlier age.


Jenny [00:52:03] Thank you for tuning in to part one. Make sure to catch part two of the interview.

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