Part 2 - Ashley Everly On Vaccines
Today on Live Well with Jenny I am excited to interview Renowned Toxicologist and Medical Freedom Activist Ashley Everly. In this 2 part series, we will be discussing vaccine ingredients and vaccine injury. You can find more info about Ashley and her Vaccine Guide at the link below.

Jenny [00:00:36] Welcome to part two of my two part interview with Ashley Everleigh, if you haven’t listened to part one, stop what you’re doing and go listen. Right now, there’s so much incredible content that I had to split it into two episodes.


Jenny [00:00:48] This is something you’re not going to want to miss is probably about a year ago that I put the pieces together regarding SIDS and the whole idea behind SIDS. And we’ve actually have many parents that have come forward telling their children stories with their babies getting vaccinated. And then twenty four forty eight hours down the road, they don’t wake up after a nap. And this is happening. I get I get the chill, I get my heart breaks when I hear these things. And, you know, I guess this is a good time to start talking about the Vaccine Injury Act. I know many people that are watching this probably don’t know about the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that was put into play.


Ashleigh [00:01:32] I guess we can start there, sir. Yeah, so in 19 in the mid 1980s. The federal government passed a National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Why? Well, the deputy vaccine was in use back then. Now the.


Ashleigh [00:01:55] One we have now is DTAP, the acellular pertussis vaccine we used to have the whole cell pertussis vaccine DPT back then, or do you want to say it?


Ashleigh [00:02:06] And what was happening back then in the early 80s is that so many children were being harmed or being injured and killed and just permanently, I mean, paralyzed, debilitated by that vaccine that these vaccine manufacturers were being inundated, inundated with lawsuits. And not just that they were losing, they were losing lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit because it was like, how do you deny when you have a jury and they’re hearing all of the evidence and they’re hearing my child was fine, totally normal, developing, normally developing child, they get this vaccine and then they start having 10 seizures a day, you know, like this is. Crazy, right? So this happened over and over and over again, like I said, so much of these vaccine manufacturers were bowing out. They were like, we’re not going to make vaccines anymore because we can’t we can’t do this. We it’s too costly for us. And they just apparently did not know how to make them any safer. I don’t know. So basically, the vaccine manufacturers and our federal government at the time decided, well, we can’t just get rid of vaccines. So instead of the federal government saying to the vaccine manufacturers, you know what? It’s your job to make them safer. It’s your job to make sure that the product you’re making is not killing babies and not giving them epilepsy for life and all of these other things. Instead of doing that, we took away liability from manufacturers and they put a tax on every vaccine that is given. And that money goes to a fund for anyone, any child who is injured by a vaccine. That fund is the federal government basically takes that money and gives that money out to people who are injured by a vaccine. But it’s not. It’s not.


Ashleigh [00:04:26] So I was looking at the comment and Acetylcysteine and ACEEE, don’t take glutathione, take any AC anyway. OK, so the vaccine injury compensation program is very difficult to win your case.


Ashleigh [00:04:42] You do have to petition if your child’s harmed by a vaccine, you have to file a petition with the vaccine court and if your child’s vaccine injury does not fall into this vaccine injury table. As created by the Department of Health and Human Services, then you’re going to have a very difficult time trying to win your case. And this vaccine injury table is I mean, it’s.


Ashleigh [00:05:13] Minimal. I mean, there’s not much there, like I said, there is chronic arthritis for the MMR vaccine. There is John syndrome for the flu vaccine.


Ashleigh [00:05:23] And I think even the HPV, maybe the teed up or vaccines. But, you know, you have a really hard road ahead if you want to try to receive compensation for your child’s injury and even then, even when parents receive compensation for their child’s vaccine injury. It’s like the government refuses to admit that the vaccine caused the injury. They still refuse to admit it because they do not want the vaccine industry looking back. They don’t want anybody to know about this, really. I mean. It’s a lot of times these parents are under gag orders and they can’t even talk about it.


Ashleigh [00:06:11] If they get so, over two thirds of all petitions to the VCP are actually denied. And there’s this whole thing from way back when when autism used to be compensated by the vaccine injury compensation program and actually it still is, but they can’t say autism.


Ashleigh [00:06:34] If they say autism, it’s an automatic no, you don’t get compensated because of the fraudulent CDC study on the MMR vaccine, which claimed that the MMR does not cause autism or that there was no proof that it causes autism or not, which with the movie facts and that documentary, we found that clearly there was some bad actors there doing some things fraudulently to hide the actual data, to cover up the fact that the MMR vaccine was correlated to an increased risk of autism. So there is so much fraud and so much corruption there, and there is no other industry like this.


Ashleigh [00:07:21] There’s no other system, court system like this. And it’s it’s mind blowing and there’s no accountability.


Jenny [00:07:28] So you have actors that are not held accountable for their products. You’ve got a government who’s knowingly withheld information from the American public. And, you know, let let’s talk about the agencies associated with vaccines. We’ve got the WHO. We’ve got CDC. You know, Howard, doctors involved in this. I mean, we know that they’re given kickbacks on vaccines that they give. I mean, we can go on and on about this as well. But it’s very disturbing that these agencies that are supposed to be overseeing the safety of vaccines have, you know, continuously dropped the ball. And who’s at risk here are children.


Jenny [00:08:09] It’s crazy to me.


Ashleigh [00:08:11] Right, and so and that’s the thing is it sounds. Like, I’m making it up, but the doctors don’t learn about this, they just don’t. I mean, the medical schools are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Their textbooks are funded.


Ashleigh [00:08:32] The creation of these textbooks is funded by the pharmaceutical industry. If you dig into what doctors actually learn about vaccines, they don’t learn about the ingredients. They don’t learn about the wide variety of adverse events that can occur. They don’t learn about any of the research on that. They learn about what vaccines to give, what they’re for and when to give them.


Ashleigh [00:08:58] That’s it.


Ashleigh [00:09:00] I mean, and how many of these doctors who are slaving away in medical school have time to look into it themselves? They just don’t. I mean, that’s just the reality of it. It’s like boot camp for them, you know, and. When they get to treating patients and seeing kids and vaccinating them, not only are they getting kickbacks from the insurance companies to give vaccines, they get bonuses, but they believe they’re wonderful. So why wouldn’t they give the vaccine? Why wouldn’t they pressure their parents to give vaccines, the kids, parents, the patients. But it’s you know, it’s really upsetting you. You find out a lot of these doctors and scientists come forward and they say, I never learned about this. I’m looking back now and wow, I’ve never learned about this. And just like me, like I mean, how how is it possible that we have aluminum in vaccines, mercury vaccines, other toxics and vaccines. And I never once learned about vaccines in any of my toxicology courses.


Ashleigh [00:10:10] I learned about aluminum. I learned about mercury.


Ashleigh [00:10:14] It’s it’s appalling, so, so many doctors and nurses and other medical professionals have come forward and said, we did not learn about this. And so. Unfortunately, I mean, I do give most doctors the benefit of the doubt, but they just don’t know. I do believe that most doctors and nurses get into their profession because they want to help people. Right? I believe that. But they are very misinformed and they are led to believe that vaccines are this this wonderful preventative cure almost. That is there is nothing like it. And that even though there’s all side effects with pharmaceuticals and even though there’s all these risks to surgeries and other medical treatments and procedures, that this just doesn’t apply to vaccines, even though we know that pharmaceuticals are all about money, even though they know that, you know, there’s all these protocols they have to follow because they need the financial incentive because, you know, they’re stuck doing it this way and that all these administrators at the top who are telling them what to do and they’re kind of a slave to this process, even though they know it’s not good for the patients. They just for some reason, they don’t get vaccines are part of that vaccines aren’t some special thing. There’s corruption, deep corruption there, too. And so now the doctors don’t get it. They don’t understand. And then you have the CDC, the all the medical professionals look to the CDC. Is there authority on these things? Then you have the corruption of the CDC. The CDC owns owns vaccine patents. They make money on vaccines. OK, and then you have, of course, the pharmaceutical industry and their lobbyists and the pharmaceutical industry. There is this World Health Organization document that looked into how much money is in the global vaccine market, and it’s around 60 billion in this year. And then by twenty, twenty five, it’s supposed to be they’re projecting that it will be one hundred billion.


Jenny [00:12:29] One hundred billion dollar industry and people think that this is altruism, little sister, the covid vaccine may just put it up to it.


Jenny [00:12:39] I mean, as what I’m saying, I think people are lining up. They’re getting ready. You know, it’s just another another way to add money to their, you know, the overall things. It’s just crazy to me. Well, you know, one of the things that I always tell people like where do you start when you’re researching vaccines? Like you said when we opened up this presentation today, there’s so much information, right? I tell people, start with the vaccine. And, you know, I don’t know how many doctors or nurses were ever taught to actually look at the vaccine insert.


Jenny [00:13:12] So, you know, it is interesting when you ask for it, though, I have to say that. So prepare to get some some kickback from that. But anyway, I think that’s a good place to start.


Jenny [00:13:23] Where do you recommend people to start their education, especially people that have never even dobe into this at all? Like how do they start? Where do they go? What would you suggest?


Ashleigh [00:13:34] I mean, I definitely I would agree with you. I think that reading the vaccine insert is a fine place to start. I think that, like I said previously, it’s just it’s overwhelming to try to figure out how to sort through all the information. That’s the reason why I did the vaccine guide Web site and because I had all of this research and I was sharing it here. And there are bits and pieces with people, but it’s like you have it all in one place. And to be able to look through it all is it’s much better. It’s much easier. And, you know, it’s not even all of it. This is like a very small amount. And when I what I think about what I have in my vaccine guide as far as being representative of the amount of research is out there, it feels like nothing to me. It feels like, oh, my gosh, we’ve got more to that because there’s so much more that I need to add to it. Like, I don’t get a lot of time to myself homeschool my kids and my husband works a lot. He has his own business. So it’s like we don’t have normal hours here. He works on the weekends. It’s crazy, but so I don’t get a lot of time to update it. But it’s like I have so much more that needs to go in there. But that being said, I do think this is a good place to start only because we can go from the top down. It is a lot, though, for most people it still is a lot.


Ashleigh [00:15:01] I know that some people get onto the website and they do feel overwhelmed. What I try to do is I try to highlight important points. I don’t even know that you really need to read everything. I mean, if you want to go through and look at the highlights to just get kind of a feel for the things that I think stick out and you should know. That’s one way to start, but there’s so much information that can be learned from not just the pilots, but the rest of the the information in the website. But, you know, there’s a lot of people who are doing a lot of good.


Ashleigh [00:15:44] And I am thankful for people like Victory and his show, The Highwire Chris XLE, you know, like I said, the aluminum toxicologist, the bio and organic chemist, he I mean, we really need to support him because he said in one of his talks, he said that he’s making a lot of people mad, huh? Well, yeah, because, you know, he used to get all of his funding, used to get all this funding from universities and the federal government and independent organizations and industry. And now he used to focus on aluminum. Chris XLE is his name. He used to focus on them. Not in vaccines. Right. Just aluminum exposure in general in the environment. Once he started looking at vaccines and aluminum in vaccines, his funding just started drying up. So tell you, I mean, it’s we don’t we love your work, but we don’t want you looking at vaccines. Cannot look at vaccines. No, no, no, no.


Ashleigh [00:16:56] So anyway, so there’s a lot of people doing a lot of good work and they put out information, but yeah, I mean, I’ve also got a like a blog or it’s my blog.


Jenny [00:17:14] You’re definitely right there. Yeah. Yeah.


Ashleigh [00:17:18] So and that I started a long time ago and I, I wish I could change the name of it now because it’s kind of like what it is. But I do have some articles on there that some of them probably need updating. But just as far as like there might be some dead links to like the vaccine injury compensation program payout or something like that, because that is updated every few months. But I that blog is, I think, love healthy dotcom fanclub, healthy dotcom. And I’ve got, like you said, a lot of articles on vaccines and everything that I say. Thank you. Everything that I say or states in that blog and my articles has a source. I mean, there’s some articles that have posted that will refer you back to other articles that I posted. But there’s a lot there. There’s one of the vaccines. There’s one on mercury vaccines. There’s one on comparing aluminum and breast milk to alone in vaccines. There’s one of the polio vaccine.


Ashleigh [00:18:25] There is one on gosh, so many different things. I can think of them all. But and there’s actually one on where to start with your research. So that’s.


Jenny [00:18:39] So we do as well, the vaccine guide website, it’s it’s there’s a few people asking for it. And you guys, I’m going to follow up with the replay and also access to where you can visit Ashlee’s website on the vaccine guide. And then also included in that is going to be an email where they can they can purchase an already printed out binder guide that is sent to them. Is that correct?


Ashleigh [00:19:03] Right. So I don’t I don’t personally sell them. But this gal, she contacted me. She’s probably watching right now. She contacted me and she was like she was showing me how she’s getting these binders to people. And I was like, thrilled because I’m like, oh, my gosh. Like, I don’t have time to do this. And I’m, you know, it’s a lot of work. And I tried to make some like a couple of years ago and get them out to people. And it was like it was too much it was just too much for me to do by myself. But so this I don’t know if you can see this. This is single sided. I show it to us. I think a lot of people want to see it. Well, I mean, it’s so so this is you know, I have this is just one section of it. But then there’s two other binders here. It’s like I said, it’s single sided. That’s the single sided. But this is what her name is. Just thank you for what you do. You’re amazing. Thank you. She made me one of these because she’s amazing, like I said. And so this is double sided. Right. And it’s I just love it. But it’s amazing and it’s super heavy.


Jenny [00:20:19] Yeah, but but like you said, good homework for homeschooling. I think I might have to start reading it. Yeah. Yeah.


Ashleigh [00:20:29] I’ve had people reach out to me and they’ve taken their binder to me with legislators. They’ve taken their binder to meet with their doctors. They’ve taken their binder over to their family members, house their brother in law. And they’re like, it’s amazing, like the messages that I get and I just want to cry. So I’m like, oh, my gosh. Like, it’s actually helping people. And, you know, some of these doctors are like, I didn’t know, I didn’t know this. Some of them that are open, open to this information.


Ashleigh [00:20:58] And then, yeah, I mean, someone messaged me and said, you know, they took a picture of their family member reading it and.


Ashleigh [00:21:09] How their response was like, wow, it’s just scary, it is scary when you start reading about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and how, you know, basically vaccines and vaccine injuries just given a pass like, well, vaccines are unavoidably safe. Unavoidable, it’s unavoidable that it’s unsafe, so and that’s stated in the Supreme Court ruling on the subject.


Ashleigh [00:21:41] So anyway, but yeah, so https:\\


Ashleigh [00:21:51] And so that’s that’s got everything there. If you want to print your own out, there is a free PDF and you should be able to get to it by going to download in the upper right hand corner. But if not, you can just go to the vaccine guide slash download. And there is also kind of a timeline of what I’ve added to the binder. And then there’s also I make these little cards that I don’t have right now in my hand, but I make a little vaccine guide cards if you want to. Take that image and then print, I like Vistaprint or something, sometimes I give those out to people. Actually, let me grab one really quick.


Jenny [00:22:37] Yeah, go grab it please guys. And if you want to start the chat, some of the questions that you might have, we’ll see actually can answer maybe a couple of questions. I know some people did at the beginning, but I can’t go back that far right now. So I’m sorry. What’s that again?


Ashleigh [00:22:53] Yeah. So here’s here’s the card. And then on the back side, it’s just, you know, what is in what the content is. And so I have like a little download of that that you can buy or not buy. You can just download the images to make this yourself and then I can send a free download for the entire binder if you want to print it all yourself. It’s a lot, but yeah. And then just like I said, she has been selling these to people. Just I mean, it’s honestly it’s worth it because I, I spent way more money printing this like it’s crazy how much money. I mean it’s a lot but. And she does a really great job, and I’m really thankful that she does that because there’s so many people that want it, they want to be able to have that information and I’m sure their family members and just they look like I’m not crazy. OK, like I’m not a conspiracy theorist. Like there is research here.


Jenny [00:23:53] Fifteen hundred pages, to be exact. Right. Is it close to fifteen hundred or. It’s almost seventeen hundred now. So you’re adding. Wow. Yeah. Well you know, we’re going to take a few questions, but just as as we’re wrapping up the interview today, thank you for all the information. I know we could spend like six hours talking about this. I’m hoping to be able to get to you again. I just appreciate you so much. What last words or pieces of advice can you give to that parent out there that’s fearful right now that doesn’t want to make this decision that feels backed into a corner, wants to have their kids go to what? Wants to have their kids go to school and possibly looking at the option of having to homeschool because they don’t want to vaccinate. What advice can you give that person that feels that pushed back into a wall, which is I feel like the majority of the population feels that way now. So what can you tell that person?


Ashleigh [00:24:47] Right. It’s so hard, I mean, I I’ve been there, I have been in that place where you just don’t feel confident one way or another, and it just it wasn’t until I dug into the research myself when I really began to be very, very confident. But I would say that. You can always vaccinate later if for some reason you decide, gosh, I was wrong to not vaccinate, you could always go back and say, I want to get my child this vaccine. Breast milk is an amazing immune system. Defense. You know, one of the things that they they say is that breast milk and it’s is found in research that breast milk actually kills rotavirus. Right. And so when you. Even when parents who are mothers are breastfeeding get their kid the rotavirus vaccine, it actually inactivates the rotavirus vaccine, the breast milk, because it’s not that amazing, right? So breastfeed if you can do everything you can to breastfeed your child because there’s immunity there that you’re giving your child that is protective. Right. And that is one thing that vaccines have done is it’s it’s prevented mothers from giving more protection to their babies through their breast milk because, for example, I didn’t have measles naturally. And so I wasn’t able to give my child protection for measles as an infant.


Ashleigh [00:26:21] But I would have if I had contracted it naturally, so like I said, just don’t vaccinate unless you’re confident, confident you want to vaccinate. Breastfeed is if you can breastfeed. That’s super important. Very powerful. Eat healthy so that you’re not passing toxins to your baby at the same time. Also. If you live in a state where you you’re kind of screwed, you can’t do anything but either vaccinate or homeschool, really look into homeschooling.


Ashleigh [00:26:58] I mean, I know that it’s scary for a lot of parents, but I know a lot of other parents who didn’t really want to homeschool. But then they decided, you know what, I I don’t have a choice. I’m going to do it. And they realized while this is not nearly as stressful or scary or bad as I thought it was going to be, and actually they’re happier.


Ashleigh [00:27:21] So you can do it, you can I mean, you you can raise your child, you can teach them everything that you know, you know, you can learn with them.


Ashleigh [00:27:31] And there’s a lot of great resources and books on home schooling to help you through that. If you want to send your kid to school there and you don’t live in a state, where where will you live? In a state where there are still religious or philosophical exemptions available. You can do that, right? Very easy in most states to just fill out that form now, sometimes you want to make sure you’re not incriminating yourself, go to the National Vaccine Information Center website and Visi dot org has all of the states and all of the laws with regard to your state with whether or not you can file an exemption or not and what you need to do in order to have an exemption for kids to go to school now and again, this is just for public school or private school. Sometimes in some states, even home schoolers have to have immunization records submitted. So maybe check into that.


Ashleigh [00:28:35] But there are still some states like Idaho where. I’m home schooling, I don’t even have to contact the school district, I have to contact the state or the county or anything, I don’t have to give them any information. Which is amazing. There are still some states out there where they value parental rights and freedom.


Ashleigh [00:28:55] So I know it seems crazy for me to say you consider moving, but if you’re in California or if you’re in another state, my sister, I got to get out of the state. I mean, it’s the first. Yeah, I’m sorry. I keep cutting you off and I can hear you. Oh, you’re not. I keep going about you, girl, OK. Yeah. So there’s that.


Ashleigh [00:29:26] But yeah, like I said, just, just keep keep educating yourself. Keep researching, make sure that you feel comfortable and confident. I mean you could do genetic testing, you could have your kids tested for the gene mutation if you feel like that’s important. Like I said, yeah, that is important.


Ashleigh [00:29:45] And I fully believe that if I had vaccinated my children, both of my kids have the double copy, OK? They’re both very susceptible to harm from any kind of toxic exposure. And, you know, if I had vaccinated them feeling like I don’t even know if my son would be here today, I’m dead honest. I don’t know. And, you know, I don’t know when my daughter might have chronic epilepsy. You just never know. So I thank God every day like that I.


Ashleigh [00:30:26] Learn about this, you know that there were other people out there speaking out, and that is why I do what I do, that’s why I can’t even help it. There’s so many times, like, honestly, there’s been so many times that I’ve. I’ve tried to pull pull it back a bit and and kind of say I need I need a breathing room, I need to take a break, it just I get pulled back in because I there’s just so much going on all the time that, you know, people are being misled or they’re they’re believing information that is verifiably false based on this other scientific research. And it’s just I’m I don’t want other parents to suffer the way my child did or other kids, you know, to have to go through that and other parents have to go through what I did with my child. And, you know, it’s been hard.


Ashleigh [00:31:21] I mean, I definitely am thankful that the way we live now is all because of that. Our diet, what we what we try to do with nutrition and how we eat has been forever changed. And it’s. It’s been really, really hard in some ways, but it’s been so good and.


Ashleigh [00:31:45] I know that it’s scary to speak out, and I know it’s scary to share because of the way people react to you and and their accusations and just how rude and.


Ashleigh [00:31:57] I mean, it makes people fly off the handle this this issue, and I guess it should, because it’s all about children and their health, but. Sadly, people are just so conditioned one way they they’re so blocked off to being able to be open to accurate information, but it’s so important to share and to speak out and to say something. You know, the thing that I started doing early on when I first began to speak out about vaccines and share with my friends and family, was I literally just shared research, just a study here and there so that people could read it and see. And there are silent readers on your posts. There are so many people that have come to me over the years. Private message me. I had no idea they were reading my posts. No idea. So you have got to know that there is a massive amount of people who are questioning right now and they need more information and they’re looking, trying to figure out where to get it. And you might be that person, know, that could lead them one step closer to realizing the truth about this issue and so many others.


Jenny [00:33:15] So it’s all about planting seeds. I know. I get frustrated sometimes you feel like you’re toeing the line or going against the status quo. But ultimately, I tell families all the time that I work with, you know, educate before you participate. Your family’s health is in your hands. Don’t let any doctor bully you into a corner. I had a real huge wake up when I was advocating for my mom with breast cancer. She didn’t know which way she was going to go. We’d show up at the doctor, the oncologist. I went to four or five different oncologist and and the. The abuse that she got, I would I would call it abuse because they were bullying her into making this decision and.


Jenny [00:33:56] I the only reason that she didn’t walk that path is because I went to every appointment, I knew what I wanted her to do, you know, and she had the faith to step aside from all of the programs she program and she’d ever had about, you know, healing her body and who she was and overcoming this cancer. And it was radical. And when I saw her make that decision and move forward and heal from it.


Jenny [00:34:17] You know, it lit something in my soul that I promise you, actually, I will help you carry this torch and it’s not an easy torch to carry. And I have to tell you that. Thank you for all you do. I feel emotional because I know the sacrifice that you make. I know the sacrifice that your family makes. You know, when you’re in your heart and your passion is just to help and get people to see the truth. It takes a lot out of a person. So thank you for for having the faith, for being who you are, for being smart.


Jenny [00:34:49] I mean, goodness, I don’t I don’t know anybody else that could write a seventeen hundred page boxing guide.


Ashleigh [00:34:54] Well, I didn’t I didn’t write it. I didn’t write, I just compiled.


Jenny [00:35:00] So we’re thankful for for all you’re doing for the movement. You have so many people that are rooting you on any time you feel discouraged, just know that we have your back and that we just appreciate it. And I think the impact that you’re having on people is going to be for generations. And I truly believe God’s going to bless you for that. So thank you for all you do. And I’m thankful that I can call you a friend to your awesome.


Jenny [00:35:25] So you just blessed us so much today. So, guys, as we’re wrapping up, I promise that we could answer a few questions. Can we do it? Maybe just two questions. We have a question about. I saw something about herd immunity, and I know I had so many more questions that I wanted to ask, but we didn’t get to that part.


Jenny [00:35:44] Can you just an overall idea of herd immunity and in kind of what that looks like and the misconception there?


Ashleigh [00:35:52] Right. So there’s this there’s all of this research on vaccine failure. And so we always think that vaccines are so effective and that that’s why they’re so powerful and important.


Ashleigh [00:36:05] But. And that is actually the argument that even though many. The vaccines are harmful, this idea that they’re effective trumps the fact that it might be harmful to some. Right. And so public health protecting public health trumps individual harm to our children. And so the entire vaccine program is basically founded upon this idea that the vaccines work regardless of whether they hurt people. Well, they work, right. Unfortunately, no vaccine failure is a term. There’s primary and secondary vaccine failure. Primary vaccine failure is when you have someone who receives a vaccine and their immune system doesn’t even respond to it. They don’t develop antibodies. They may have harmful effects, but they do not develop antibodies and the entire basis for vaccines being effective is on the development of antibodies. OK, let’s set aside the fact that antibodies are not equivalent to immunity. OK, we decided way back in the nineteen fifties and sixties the antibodies, if you had antibodies to supplement your immune, that is not true.


Ashleigh [00:37:34] I don’t know if you’ve seen any of Dr. Shivas videos, but he has gone through why that is just so inaccurate. OK, there is a whole host of other aspects of the immune system that have to play in, including the microbiome and the immune system of the brain and all of this that that need to come together like this orchestra of events in order to develop true immunity to something.


Ashleigh [00:37:59] OK, so when we’re just looking at this one marker antibodies without looking at the rest of the system, it doesn’t mean anything. There’s studies on the tetanus vaccine and how there are people who have developed and become infected with tetanus and died from tetanus even after they had antibodies to tetanus from the vaccine. And then this other person over here didn’t receive the vaccine, had no antibodies from tetanus or for tetanus, and yet they did not get infected with tennis even though they were exposed. So antibodies are supposed to be the measure of of efficacy or effectiveness, and it’s just not they do not test for real world effectiveness for these vaccines. And when they do, they find out how badly, how much they just don’t work.


Ashleigh [00:38:57] So that’s one big reason why they don’t even test for real world effectiveness with vaccines, because they end up finding out that the vaccines are just so ineffective that even cause the disease are supposed to prevent like the pertussis vaccine. When you are, we receive a pertussis vaccine and you go out into the public and you are exposed to it, you can contract it, have no symptoms, and then transmit it to somebody else completely without your knowledge. So and they found that when they did real world studies where they challenged the subjects with pertussis. So I’m going on this Ben Stein thing. But when I said that’s primary vaccine failure is you don’t develop any antibodies at all. OK, so it’s completely pointless. Yeah. Then you have secondary vaccine failure, which is when you develop antibodies, but then over a certain period of time, they completely waiting to blow protective levels. So they say above a certain level or a certain amount of antibodies, you are protected.


Ashleigh [00:40:05] Well. Over time, every vaccine that you get that does produce antibodies, those antibodies will drop. They’ll just diminish to nothing over time and then you’re susceptible again, right? So you you’re going to get infected again. You have no protection. And then they found out that they looked at the MMR vaccine. They first tried just one to one dose of the vaccine. Right. And then they found out people were still getting measles. Then they tried. Now they have two doses of the vaccine. People are still getting measles. And they even did a study on, well, what, a third vaccine help? No. No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t it doesn’t it doesn’t extend that antibody production and I see a lot of people mentioning germ theory versus Terrane theory, one hundred percent. Injecting your body with toxicity and viruses are live viruses is not is not the solution to health, long term health, Short-Term Health. The for me, what I have learned is that the whole point of an infection is basically a it’s a purging mechanism. So when you go to when you’re exposed to a lot of smoke like like a wildfire in your area or something, you’re breathing in a lot of smoke. You will begin to create mucus and cough and get that stuff out, get all that particulate toxicity from that smoke that was deposited in your lungs. You start to cough it up. OK, what happens when we have a cold? We are coughing. We’re getting mucus out of our sinuses. That is honestly, your sinus cavity is drainage for the lymphatic system in your brain. You’re literally draining out cellular waste and toxicity when you are when you have a cold. This is a purposeful thing. It’s it’s.


Ashleigh [00:42:06] It’s very helpful. I mean, you want to get a cold every now and then so that you can get rid of the junk unless you’re eating so healthy that you are not accumulating the junk, but most people are accumulating some. OK, so anyway, that’s a whole side note to this, because I kept seeing people mention germ theory versus string theory. The idea that germs are the problem is completely way off. It’s not a problem. We’ve already known that nutrition and just baseline health, your touraine, your internal terrain is what is most important. OK, so this whole idea that vaccines work is just it’s a joke when it comes down to it, I’ll just say that. But if really Santa Claus, I like to tell my kids we have a talk about it a lot, actually. Right. Yeah. So. But if we’re going to go back to the whole herd immunity thing, the vaccines cannot create herd immunity. They just cannot. Doesn’t matter if we even if for some reason we thought that if vaccines really did create immunity, even temporarily, even if we vaccinated every single person in our country, you would still have up to 10 percent or so of people who the vaccine doesn’t work at all, doesn’t work, doesn’t create antibodies. But then you have the rest of the people where their antibodies are going to weigh between five to 15 years and then extra vaccines are going to work. OK, so and then, of course, you have these other vaccines that actually make infections worse. I love how they call it immune enhancement or they call it viral interference or something like that. They call it interference. OK, that’s a that’s a nice way of saying the vaccine makes your infection worse when you contract it. Interference IV. That’s like a pet peeve of mine when they use a word that sounds like innocuous, but it doesn’t sound like anything but worry about interference or something’s being interfered with. I know what that means is that the vaccine is actually going to make your infection much worse. Anyway, so only natural immunity only going through this purging process, because measles is a purging process. It’s your coughing, coughing up mucus, your your you get the fever to get the immune system going right. And then you get the rash and the rash is literally your skin working as your third kidney kind of and pushing out toxicity and getting rid of that junk. There have been cases where parents say that, wow, my child is actually neurologically and behaviorally doing much better after getting measles. Why? Because the measles vaccine gets into the brain and actually helps to get rid of toxicity and then your immune system will repair those cells. So and that’s why if you don’t have enough vitamin A, it could cause encephalitis because you’re the measles virus burns through vitamin A like it needs vitamin A for some purpose for whatever it’s doing. And then once you’re able to complete this task of the measles virus was initiated or within your body, then your immune system says, OK, we don’t need you anymore, Meurice, let’s go on with our lives, just be well nourished.


Ashleigh [00:45:50] And you don’t really need to worry about these things, so.


Jenny [00:45:56] Nourishment, know, you guys, it’s so hard sometimes for people to make those small changes, it’s people that have lived this lifestyle of just eating fake food and things like that.


Jenny [00:46:07] It just starts with like little. When I work with people, it’s like take that first step. It can seem overwhelming to make those big changes in your family reducing your toxic load. I think actually what I would love to do is maybe we can do a whole other presentation on nutrition and how that looks. Building up the immune system kind of give people that positive approach to so much to learn. And I’m still learning and I learn all the time. But, you know, plug into the people that that you trust that you know can lead you in the right direction. I know for me, my role in this journey was really connecting with the community and of like minded people that cared about the body and healing the body naturally. So join arms with this. We’re inviting you to connect with us on Facebook. I know, actually, I love following you. I go check your posts every single day. So thank you for all you do. I’ve had a great time today and I know that everybody just received some of the best information. So you guys, we’re going to get the recording out. Also in a follow up email, you’re going to get information on how to get Ashley’s vaccine guide. You’ll also get some follow up emails. I did a really great presentation with another doctor on my foreign vaccines. So also another topic that I’m passionate about and also ended up developing a seven day wellness reboot course that you’ll have access to that I built gosh, this was last year, but I haven’t even talked about it yet. So you’ll have access to that. That’s kind of a course that gives you those actionable steps and how to get your health back, how to remove that toxic load, how to eat healthy. I got pretty lucky because my husband’s a private chef. So he he cooks for I don’t worry about cooking. Oh, I know. To research in the house. I just do the dishes. But you guys, your bodies are powerful, your immune system is powerful in it. Educate and speak fearlessly about what you know. Don’t let anybody intimidate you. I think that that’s just for some people that comes naturally, Ashleigh. For you, it seems like it comes supernatural for you. But just don’t be afraid to speak up, speak the truth. I know it can be hard, but anyway, I can go on and on.


Jenny [00:48:08] I just appreciate you so much. Ashley, do you want to leave us with any last thought before we end the presentation today?


Ashleigh [00:48:14] Sure. Yeah. You know, I just I very much agree with what you said with nourishment being so important. And I I was on the standard American diet. I was eating nacho cheese from a giant. Can feel good, though, four nights a week with some corn tortilla chips. Right. GMO corn chips and GMO, you know. Yeah, I mean, that’s what I was doing, you guys. And it’s like. I didn’t even look back then at my diet as if I was like really, really eating unhealthy, but it’s just so much can be done with your health. So much can be done. I have Hashimoto’s the thyroid immunity. I had severe anemia. I mean, I could not bend down and pick up something off the floor without almost blacking out my head pounding. This was when I was eating red meat and I still wasn’t getting enough iron in order to not be anemic, like there was something very wrong with my system. And I was also I had symptoms of PCOS. You know what that is? Polycystic ovarian syndrome. I had cystic acne, painful, seriously painful, such as cystic acne. I mean, it was. I never thought it would go away like nothing worked, OK, and then I also had like my hair was falling out from the Hashimoto’s. I mean, there was I had this to my wrist, my ankle. Diet and nutrition is everything, and I never thought that I would enjoy eating salads. I mean, it’s like it’s so funny when I look back and I’m like, I hated salad, you know, like I just wanted a burger and a lot of potatoes and I wanted, you know. I love the way I eat now, and so I just want to encourage you guys that if you have vaccinated your kids or if you have chronic illness or if you have suffered from.


Ashleigh [00:50:18] All of the toxicity in our environment that there is a way back to health and nutrition is I mean, it’s so important and. Like I said, like I for a while, I was like, I don’t know what to eat, I have to cut all these things out not to eat. But if you get help, you follow people and you get recipes and you have some kind of a program or a system, and then you have that daily help to know what to do, how to do it, and how to make the food taste amazing. I mean, there’s so much so many good things that you can do, I mean, cashew cream, cheesecake with coconut milk, I mean, it tastes like cheesecake, by the way. Yeah, it’s yeah. I mean, there’s a lot of good recipes out there and it just the cheap. And, of course, stress and clean drinking water and sleep and good relationships and getting rid of everything toxic in your life, not just the physical chemical toxicity, but. I mean, just learning and investing in my personal education, educating myself on nutrition, on health, on all of this has just changed my life, changed my life, changed my son’s life.


Ashleigh [00:51:43] He’s normal. He is. He’s like he’s brilliant. I mean, he’s such a smart kid. And he no one would have ever known that he had any developmental delay or any signs or symptoms of autism. I mean, it’s amazing. So it’s huge. And anyone can do it and you can enjoy it. Really, really enjoy it.


Jenny [00:52:05] So thank you for that advice. And you guys are going to be so much happier making those changes and just trusting in the healing power of your body. I’ve seen radical things over the last eight years and helping people through chronic illness. And it’s it’s a beautiful thing to see. And it’s it’s heartbreaking to know that so many people just are bullied into not trusting that process. So educate, empower your family, teach your kids, teach them about what you know, why their their health is valuable, why they need to be educated on these topics.


Jenny [00:52:37] You know, my boys are like, I know, mom again. I know. Please be critical at the doctor. And he was like, don’t say anything about vaccines. Like, I had to get him a physical to play sports. So we never go to the doctor. It’s like, don’t do it, Mom. I just promise me because he knows that, like, I just can’t keep my mouth shut. So I had to make the promise that it’s important that we we share this information with our kids, too, and educate them because they’re the future. There are future generations. So thank you, Ashley. I know this interview almost two hours, but it was just so much fun talking to you. We’re going to get the replay out and hopefully be able to do this again together. I really enjoyed our time and thank you to everybody that tuned in during this coronavirus, Quarantine.


Jenny [00:53:18] And we just want you to know that we love you guys and we will stay we will stand firm and fight for your guys rights for your kids. Right. And we will never drop the ball on the cause. We promise you that. So thanks again. And thank you, Ashleigh. We appreciate you.


Ashleigh [00:53:34] Thank you.


Jenny [00:53:35] Thank you. All right, everyone, bye.


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