Breakthroughs for TBI and Stroke

Breakthroughs for Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke

New research suggests out that Nrf2 activation can actually help with stroke. Not too long ago I had the privilege to interview Kellie Lupsha. She’s a seasoned physical therapist with a Master’s Degree from the Mayo Clinic School of Health Science and she and her husband run a clinic dedicated to helping patients who have suffered from traumatic brain injury and stroke. Guys I’m so excited to share the details of our discussion! You can watch the full video by clicking below or get all the details in the blog post below.

Neuroplasticity and the Resiliency of the Human Brain

When it comes to stroke and traumatic brain injury common medical wisdom dictates that you treat the symptom not the actual cause. Most doctors are taught to believe that when a patient loses use of an arm or a leg that’s it – and whatever mobility the patient does or doesn’t regain is sort of left up to chance. Kellie’s method is different. She believes in treating the root of the problem and relying on the human brain to heal itself through natural means. She also uses the science of neuroplasticity to train and manipulate the patient’s brain to get the right response. If this therapy is applied you can and will see changes.

What kind of changes do patients see with Nrf2 activation?

A person who has suffered from traumatic brain injury of any sort be it from stroke or other trauma has built up a lot of extra oxidative stress. It’s like they’ve got a bruise on the brain. So it’s no wonder that everything they do takes more and more energy and effort. She uses Nrf2 activation to take that oxidative stress load down a notch… or three – allowing them to have a lot of extra brain power for more healing. (how amazing is that) The benefits have been astounding. Patients who could only say a few words before Nrf2 activation may be able to speak more after activation. Patients with limited sensation have gained more of their ability to feel back. Patients with low energy have gotten a boost and been able to push forward with new motivation. Adding clarity focus and concentration to people who have barely any at all can be life-changing. We’re not saying this is a miracle but it does allow the body to heal and repair the way it’s meant to. (your body is the miracle machine) Adding on to that there’s no chemical interaction with other medications since this is an all-natural product and sometimes patients have seen a reduction in the overall amount of medications they are prescribed.

But the good news doesn’t stop there…

Think back to your high school science classes. You may remember hearing that the “mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell”. Mitochondria give us energy and if they aren’t working nothing’s working! In fact research today is pointing toward many neurological problems being caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. The good news is our Nrf1 product activates those mitochondria and protects them providing the body with increased energy and clarity. This has led to improvements in Kellie’s patients too and she couldn’t wait to tell us about it! If you’d like to learn more click here to get your hands on the products I recommend to all my clients. We’re excited to chat more with you about the exciting possibilities…let us know how Nrf1 or Nrf2 have helped you in the comments below!

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The statements and opinions included in this communication are not intended to diagnose treat or mitigate any disease.

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