Live Well With Jenny - Vaccine Injury - Real. Not Rare.

All right. Well, welcome, everybody, we’re excited to be with you today. And welcome to all of our viewers and, of course, our replay viewers. I want to ask all of you guys to share this information, share this video. I’m really blessed today to be able to interview Andre Agassi and Nick Gothia. We’ll see if Nick’s able to pop in at some point. But, guys, I’m passionate about sharing their story and I’ve been following them for a while. And my passion is many of you guys know has been advocating in the space of vaccine injury and medical freedom and most importantly, freedom of choice. And we believe that where there is a risk, there should be a choice. And that’s simply not the case in what’s happening. I feel like more people are waking up. But this importantly, this is so important that everybody dies, guys. And so, Andrea, thank you so much for being with us today. I just appreciate you. I know everybody has been praying for you and Nick. We’ve been following your story and our hearts have been with you. So thank you for sharing today. And I’d love to start this interview just by, you know, you just telling your story. But most importantly, I’d love for you to kind of set the stage as hot as to how life was before Nick received the vaccine just about a year ago, August 19, two thousand nineteen. So it’s been about a year. So if you could just tell everybody, you know, what life looks like before. I know Nick was a completely healthy male, you know, living an incredible life, you beautiful kids. So if you could just give us, you know, set the foundation as to what that looks like before life changed in August of last year.


[00:01:42] Yes. Well, first off, thank you so much for having me and allowing me the time to share our story again. So before August 19th of twenty nineteen, Nick and I had we were living in Michigan, were both born and raised in Michigan. And Nick was working in private practice as a doctor of audiology for quite some time before we moved to Texas for his job with the Army.


[00:02:13] Here we had realized that, know, private practice just wasn’t what we wanted. And Michigan winners weren’t really what we wanted anymore. And so we planned long and hard and and prayed about where we wanted to be. And we ended up in Texas and we loved it here. It was Nick’s dream job. You know, he was opening of a singular clinic for the Army hospital here.


[00:02:44] He you know, we just just so many life changes, you know, with the move. I left my career behind in Michigan and our plan was for me to stay home with our youngest child. Just take a year off and help all of our our kids adjust to the move. And, you know, we were just very fortunate that we were going to be able to do that. So Nick moved down early July of twenty nineteen. He moved just a month ahead of us. And that was kind of to like find housing and making sure that we were, you know, finding some place in the right location to raise our children. He was down here. I think his first day of work was July 8th.


[00:03:31] Twenty nineteen. And then the kids and I arrived with the moving truck. So I.


[00:03:35] I drove my dad and my nephew drove the moving truck and I drove with three kids and the dog and four cats and came down and we arrived August 3rd. So before all of that, our lifestyle, we were we were the ones that had braids scarred and beds in our front yard. And we had chickens and we had ducks and we ate organic.


[00:04:04] We coach soccer or played soccer. Next favorite thing in the whole world to do with waterski.


[00:04:10] He loved the salt. He’s six to one hundred ninety pounds, very fit and healthy. So moving to got here, it was so much more beautiful than I ever imagined Texas to be. We have lakes and waterfalls and there are just so excited to be together as a family again. After a month apart and just out exploring and loving nature and loving time as a family, we had a couple of weeks like that that it was just really nice. And then August 19th was our kids first day of school, and we knew that he would be getting a physical.


[00:04:55] That’s what we were told, just to finish up his in processing for his job.


[00:05:00] So he went into this physical that morning and the nurse said, well, you’re also going to be getting achy. And he was quite confused because he wasn’t do you know, he’s had he’s had d’états or two deaths since he was a baby.


[00:05:18] I have his vaccination history. And also before he could go back for graduate school, he had to have all of those boosters.


[00:05:28] He was also a former firefighter. And so he he’s had he’s had everything handfuls of times. At that point in our lives, so we had already chosen to stop vaccinating. We were very hesitant with our children of. Information that we were aware of about not having liability and the different neurotoxins and heavy metals, and it just didn’t fit our lifestyle. Organic eating people and raising our own our own poultry and growing our own food. So he was very resistant that day. That he he didn’t understand. Like they said, that they couldn’t find his records. They also Drew Tigers’ for MMR, which I thought was really interesting. Why? Why are you drawing tigers for one, but not the other? But basically because he was the sole provider for our family and he was cornered that day.


[00:06:35] After resisting for so long, he he eventually gave in and allowed the nurse to give him the injection. So that’s one of those moments that, you know, it’s done now and it’s changed your life completely in the last year has been just a roller coaster of emotion and trauma. And hopefully now we’re on the journey to healing. But. That one shot. It was just the one. It was a combination, the toughness, diptheria and pertussis has forever changed to my husband is as a person. That evening, he was emphatic. And he thought like kind of felt like his left foot had fallen asleep.


[00:07:30] He thought it was positional, like maybe his foot had fallen asleep. But then he went to take a shower and the water hitting his foot felt like fire, like razor blades just burning. And so he knew right away like something was going on.


[00:07:44] The next day, he went to work and he told some of the doctors that he works with. And they said, you need to go to occupational health and let them know what happened. They sent him to the E.R. at the Army House. He basically sat and we are all day. They were like, well, we don’t know. Like he’s in breathing. Not beyond baret. Fine.


[00:08:07] And then it continued to progress up that left leg. He went to an urgent care center on his way home from work that night. And they didn’t have a clue either. But nobody’s had like, he need to go.


[00:08:21] You need to go to the hospital. You need. Nobody said anything at all. It’s probably nothing. And it’ll probably go away.


[00:08:29] Anyways, we had just moved here. We didn’t have primary care physicians, we didn’t have any pain on Wednesday of that week. So on day three, I called the CDC and I wish I knew the guy’s name that I talked to. But he basically said, I can’t give you medical advice. I can’t say now that the vaccine caused this. He said it sounds like he needs to see a neurologist as soon as possible.


[00:08:53] So I started calling our hospital systems neurology department and they were trying to get us in in the next 48 hours for a consult that they didn’t have any openings.


[00:09:04] And so I kept calling to see if they had any cancelations than ever. They never panned out for us. But I was able to get in with a brand new primary care physician Friday morning. And so I took Nick in that Friday. So day five, and he did an initial exam of Nick. And at that point, it was all the way up Nick’s left leg and partially up the back side of his left side, up to his lower back.


[00:09:33] We are just I mean, like a numbing sensation on the left side, like a super hypersensitive, like the wind gently belonging to, like, very water. Herge clothing hurts like everything just hurts on that side. So that doctor called the emergency department and like told them what was happening. And then he told us that we needed to go to the emergency room. And so we did. We went there and they took us straight to trauma is a teaching hospital.


[00:10:09] So there were residents and doctors and it’s a large hospital system. There’s neurology teams and family medicine and all of those different philosophies. Nick was admitted in that first hospital, say, was 19 days.


[00:10:22] They did a. Several MRI eyes. And what they found was lesions on his brain stem and at sea, three in his spine. So the cervical spine. So that kind of explains.


[00:10:40] Why he was having the sensations, you know, like in Kenya, spinal damage, nerve damage.


[00:10:46] They started with high dose steroids. So he did five days of I.V. steroids and things were still progressing. So at that point, it was his left leg.


[00:10:56] And then his right side was going numb. So his left side is hypersensitive and his right leg is numb. But then it starts going up and then his left and also his left forearm series weren’t working.


[00:11:09] So they put a central line in and they started plasmapheresis.


[00:11:13] And we were told the plasmapheresis was to remove the antibodies, that it’s possible that it was we were dealing with Atum, that there was some type of antibody that was causing this. And you and I know what what the whole purpose of a vaccine is to trigger an immune response is to trigger an antibody response.


[00:11:41] So they didn’t have definitive answers as to exactly what was going on until.


[00:11:48] I’m not going to say we are 100 percent sure we know for sure right now. But it’s taken a year to feel comfortable with Semien knowing what’s going on with this body. So the plasmapheresis was started and each time they took out like two liters of his plasma, threw it away a biohazard.


[00:12:12] And they did that every other day, seven times.


[00:12:16] And that after the 19 days at the hospital, that first day, he went to inpatient rehab and then he had a couple more small hospital stays.


[00:12:28] In October of last year and then February, we hit another big one where he was seemingly fine and then was basically going into rescue Rexroad distress. And I had to call an ambulance. And again, he ended up I think it was another 19 days and they did another MRI and there was no new lesions.


[00:12:52] I guess I should say the August hospitalization, they did a spinal tap. So there’s certain things they look for in that to kind of point towards what it could be. And once, like your anti mogg antibodies. The other one. I’m your AQAP for antibodies. Some of them are for like. There’s a disorder that’s linked to vaccines that causes issues with the eyes. And then some of it’s linked to. If you have certain proteins and antibodies that it’s more definitive for MSM, it happens for all. His blood work was normal.


[00:13:33] And this was not present, obviously, before the vaccine. He had never had any problems with seizures or any lead on the brain. Perfectly healthy. Yep.


[00:13:47] So he had those couple small hospital stays in October. And that first one, actually, while he was in New York, he started having like a facial twitching. It looked like Bell’s palsy. Look at his whole face was just twisting and very painful, like just horrifyingly painful. So they started Haidong series again. And then it stopped after three days and then I took him home and less than less than 48 hours later we were back in the hospital, he was Beevor Tak Ricardi just. Vomiting, I just couldn’t. And they said, oh, well, you were just hospitalized. It’s Prof’s probably like hospital acquired pneumonia. So they started him on an I.V. antibiotic. So from October, October 15th through February 8th, we were home. We were maintaining and sort of new level of normal on doing physical therapy, occupational therapy. He was learning how to walk with a walking stick or a cane. He was learning how to redo things and learning how to redo his, like using his right hand because he doesn’t have great strength in it.


[00:15:13] So he couldn’t hold he couldn’t hold a cell phone. He couldn’t hold a fork. He couldn’t do those things.


[00:15:19] But then February 8th, we kind of had the episode where all of a sudden it literally felt like it came on in ten minutes.


[00:15:26] And he’s like felt like there was bandying around his chest and some. So we ended up calling the ambulance and they came out. I’m readmitted. It was another 19 days. They put in another central line again, five more rounds of plasma free since that time. And.


[00:15:47] No, we knew. They knew that it had to do with the vaccine because they were performing these procedures to basically do this plasma removal because they knew that he was probably having more than likely. This is what I would assume a reaction to the antibodies that he was injected with.


[00:16:05] Right. And they couldn’t figure out, though, because they kept wanting to go back to. Well, initially it was it’s got to be M.S. that then his spinal tap and his antibodies showed normal for what they were testing for. So everything characteristic of a mass is coming back normal. So they they were like, OK, well, then it has to be a down. And so it kind of went back and forth for a while of them saying, well, it’s probably Hamas and you just seem to to accept it. But then come February, he had another MRI in the hospital. He had no new lesions. And so with with M.S., what happens is you have repeated lesions. So there was no new damage. Now, the most frustrating part of this for me. One of the most is that they kept saying, I’m asked like it’s just something that you have to, like, accept it and that it couldn’t be it wouldn’t be vaccine related, then I’m auto immune. And so for increased that has Hamas, let’s say, like Nick ended up with a mask and he had more lesions and he had the legal funnel band. So they were looking for and the antibodies they were looking for, they will do just that. That that’s just, you know, in your genetic makeup and that’s just what happened. But it’s an autoimmune condition.


[00:17:24] And so anytime that you’re triggering an immune response, like M.S. can be directly hostile. And it’s just frustrating that the medical community just wants to play it off like it’s just in your genes. Yes.


[00:17:39] But so so February, though, you know, his MRI was clear. Again, another spinal tap clear again. So we did all of that. Didn’t have any explanations of why or what exactly still. And then may it started again. So end of April. Very end of April. He started having a few twitching in his face again.


[00:18:05] And I guess kind of throughout, even like the October hospital, say he would have like things in his hand that it would kind of comport like this.


[00:18:14] Full body is spasms. I know I shared a lot of videos and some of it looked like kind of like seizures if you don’t know what seizure activity really is. But May was definitely the worst before we got admitted that first time to the hospital and to me. And I had been saying since the first October stay that some of this looks like tetanus in his drawer would block shot. You’d have those can contorting enough hands and like his shoulder. And so in October, they drew they did draw tetanus titer and it came back high. It was like four point five. Wow. The normal person is supposed to be about one one. They have a reactive.


[00:19:02] So I think we gave him tetanus with the vaccine, which we’ve seen with the flu vaccine. And we’ve seen this, you know, back when the oral polio vaccine was removed from circulation. I mean, this is not, you know, a rare thing. We know that these facts. Yes. Causing these problems.


[00:19:20] So trying to avoid exactly that. And even to this day, to get them to admit that that’s what happened. They dance around it because my line of thinking is I know you didn’t injure himself anywhere or. He was he was up today if his vaccine had been working, he was already up to date prior. So he should have had some type of protection. But, you know, toughness comes from a puncture wound. Well, what is the vaccine, correct puncture. And then. So it was really high in October.


[00:19:59] And I kept saying, well, what like what does that mean? Like, what do we do? And they’re like, well, we don’t really know what that means. But his title comes back high for tetanus.


[00:20:08] And so then, you know, if you think about the progression of, you know, the initial symptoms, he did have the attack on his brain, some spinal cord. And we did plasma phrases pretty quickly. And then October, he had an antibiotic also.


[00:20:24] So we went four months. Pretty stable. I mean, every day it’s pain. And he’s always had like small muscle spasms and, you know, adjusting to his new mobility limitations.


[00:20:39] And then February started having some of the convulsions again. And that’s kind of my way of describing it, the tightness.


[00:20:46] And that’s when that that’s when the respiratory issues started. So those respiratory issues weren’t present prior to February, that it was mostly the.


[00:20:57] Right. Yes. So in February, that started again. They did the central line. Five more rounds of plasma freeze. So that’s kind of filtering out toxins, filtering out your whole blood system. You know, if you if you aren’t familiar with plasma freezes. Think dialysis, but for your blood. So they’re removing the removing large volumes of the plasma, which makes up the majority of your blood.


[00:21:23] And then about 12 weeks later, again, we start we start spiraling downward again. And I tried to treat at home for as long as I could because he did not want to go back because nothing’s ever helped.


[00:21:37] But it it literally became life and death. He. He was saying goodbye to our kids.


[00:21:45] And so I took him back in and he was so out of it, like there were long periods of time where he was just completely unconscious. I probably obviously should have taken him in sooner, but I was trying to respect my husband of not wanting to go.


[00:22:06] But I mean. Our oldest and myself in the middle would be putting his oxygen on and our oldest, who’s 10 and I were crying, just pulled his body.


[00:22:21] Likes to keep his hip from pop.


[00:22:23] Now and keep his shoulders from popping out.


[00:22:27] So thankfully, this last hospital say May and June. I literally like neurology, came and did their rounds and they were like him. Like, basically, we don’t know, like we’re sick of this.


[00:22:41] We don’t know what’s going on. But you need to go somewhere out. And I begged him, like me, can we do plasma? We don’t know why plasma works, but can we do plasmapheresis? So thankful. He agreed. And then I you know, I always have videos. And I’m trying to show that, like, this is what’s happening. And of course, at this point, next. Totally. But he’s not he’s nonverbal.


[00:23:01] He’s not he’s not functioning, not able to move in. And we or just acting out, not able to do anything, not able to eat. Not able to. Not able to walk. Not able to talk. Nothing. He was nonverbal, completely out of it. I begged for infectious disease. I said, forget forget what’s in its chart. Forget the fact that I mentioned the V word. Forget everything I said. Pretend he stopped his toe on something. I don’t care. Could you please call in somebody and have him assessed for Katniss? Like this is what I think we’re dealing with. And thankfully, they did know granit infectious disease doctors don’t work on Memorial Day during a pandemic. They get holidays often. Of course, it’s you know, never mind. But I think you’ve been very, very nice.


[00:23:51] And in your explanations, just putting it that way, it was just it was just odd that they don’t work in a panda.


[00:23:58] But anyways, the infectious disease doctor did come in on that Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day. And Nick had already gotten his central line. So that would be his third central line and he was having plasma. And thankfully, that infectious disease doctor was there witnessing Nick’s body contorting and locking in his drawer, locking. And he helped me hold, like try to try to hold because it’s near impossible.


[00:24:26] But try to hold his body in place from because it basically hurts inside one, because he comports so badly that he said, you know, he’s very techni like.


[00:24:37] But it can’t possibly be from the vaccine because of how they manufacture. Well, it’s not manufactured properly and things aren’t heated to a certain temperature and bacteria is growing. Then.


[00:24:48] I have other words for what happened, but we can call it we can call it what you want for 10 days, stubbed its toe.


[00:24:55] Well, on the day we know that we can’t hold these vaccine manufacturers liable, which is a part of the crying out. I mean, these people that are manufacturing, these companies that are manufacturing vaccines, you legally have no recourse. Let’s just say if they do admit we find out that this is what’s wrong, which we know you’re not even able to go back and hold these manufacturers liable for making a faulty product, which across the board is just to me one of the biggest issues and one of the biggest oversights, knowing oversight’s that the CDC is allowing to happen, that our government is allowing to happen. And it’s it’s just madness to me. Right?


[00:25:36] Yeah. So. So Nick had five more rounds of plasma and infectious disease, came in and they started him on an antibiotic that crosses the blood brain barrier at about eighty five percent with just 10 days on an antibiotic. And so we got Nick out on the hospital basis. We don’t want to treat you anymore. You need to go to Mayo Clinic. So I said, OK, we’ll go to Mayo Clinic.


[00:26:02] I did talk to our attorney. And he said, that’s good to go because you want to follow your basically get stuck and you have to do so much legally to follow what the doctors are recommending. So they’re recommending you go to Mayo Clinic.


[00:26:17] So Nick got out of the hospital June 3rd and.


[00:26:23] Then I think his first appointment at Mayo Clinic was June 9th, so I drove from Texas to Minnesota.


[00:26:30] And.


[00:26:32] Mayo Clinic, we saw our three neuro immunologist at Mayo Clinic, and I have them I do have them recorded say that we know that this happens.


[00:26:43] We know that vaccines trigger different types of autoimmune disorders. And we don’t know why, because no one’s looking into it, because there’s no funding in that.


[00:26:54] Because if they started looking into what vaccines cause and all the reactions that they cause, nobody would. Nobody would get them ever.


[00:27:04] I think people are starting to wake up. And I was speaking with someone yesterday. They were going back and forth to decision of whether to vaccinate or not. And I said, you have two choices. The potential of having an infectious disease or a lifetime of chronic illness. You know, these infectious diseases are treatable diseases. That builds our immune system. Yet we’re sitting here risking not only our children’s lives, our our family’s lives and just the trade off to me for a lifetime of auto immune issues. We know we know that this is what’s happening. And people are starting to wake up to this. They’re absolutely starting to wake up.


[00:27:39] One hundred percent, you know, and what they described is the whole purpose of a vaccine.


[00:27:46] That’s a trigger, an immune response that hopefully your body will respond. And what what’s unique is in the beginning of our conversation today, I told you that Nick, that drew titers at the Army Hospital. He worked out for MMR. He’s never developed an antibody to rubella. He doesn’t have it. He’s a zero. So, you know, for everybody, if you get the desired response where your body is responding and develops an antibody, it’s not true immunity because it wanes for different people at different points. So if it works the desired way for myself, say I get a vaccine and my body starts producing that antibody, it might last 10 years for me, but somebody else, it might not work at all.


[00:28:34] It might work for two years and might work for five years, or it might cause a whole different set of other autoimmune conditions and issues.


[00:28:45] So we know there are safety studies, you know, proper safety studies being done. You get a medication coming on the market. There is years of trials and inert placebo, you know, double back and see bovine studies, things like that. And we know that this is not taking place. So you have government oversight on every aspect, you know, not only just, you know, letting people know what the risks are, but also I just I don’t know. It just it’s it just drives me crazy.


[00:29:16] Anyway, one that not just the manufacturers not having liability, but the CDC itself is a vaccine company there. There are profits involved. And there’s just there’s too many conflicts of interest. You know, I would never buy a car. It’s it’s 20, 20. I would never buy a car that the manufacturer didn’t have liability. What would our cars do you like? Or our children’s cars car. A car seat. Thank you. Think they have a liability since nineteen eighty six.


[00:29:47] Well, they’ve got CDC and various, because I’m sure you’re going through the process of the Bears report, you know. We know that as of now, there’s over four billion dollar in payout to vaccine injury. And these are what we know, probably less than 10 percent of people that have even reported vaccine injury. Most people don’t even know how to follow this process. It’s, you know, lots of things involved. And, you know, there, you know, so can you explain what that’s looked like to you? I think this is important, especially for those that are watching this and learning about this for the first time, how that looks, you know.


[00:30:23] Yeah. So let me just say that theirs is a good start, but it’s completely flawed because. If you have a child, a baby especially, that dies of SIDS, if they die, you know, the biggest coincidence of vaccines is the word coincidence because that’s all that vaccines causes autoimmune conditions, death and coincidence.


[00:30:49] If you have a child with the house sits and dies of SIDS, it’s near impossible to get a case because they just say the baby. They don’t give an act.


[00:31:03] The baby died 24, 48 hours after after a back. Right.


[00:31:08] But they don’t do they don’t do autopsies where they’re actually looking and investigating and looking for the different pathogens and different inflammatory cell responses. If you have a baby that dies, you’re basically that’s just that’s just what happened. And I’m sorry. That’s what they tell you. Basically, if you have a child that is maybe a little older and gets, let’s say, transverse myelitis and ends up in a wheelchair for the rest of their life, you might get like two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.


[00:31:41] That’s usually like that average pay out. You might get a little bit for lifelong medical expenses.


[00:31:51] You saw Nick.


[00:31:53] You weren’t in have a case at all. Unless we had his 10 years of past medical history showing, but basically nothing like he had a vasectomy. And I was a surrogate and carried a baby for a friend. And he had blood work done for that. And he had a dog bite from one of.


[00:32:12] I’d like to bring home animals and rescue, but like that pretty much his 10 years prior medical history. And if we didn’t have that, we wouldn’t have a case, period.


[00:32:21] So it’s very flawed, very frustrating, because if anybody else has a preexisting condition, you’re probably not going to have a Bears case.


[00:32:32] So that process where we’re about a year in, we have not filed our petition. It should be going relatively soon. And then we’re probably looking at, you know, two to three years past that for our care.


[00:32:50] But.


[00:32:53] It’s a process.


[00:32:54] It’s frustrating because being on the side of it, you realize, for one, the number of vaccine reactions that are never reported to theirs and then the ones that are reported. Only a small, small fraction ever actually have a payout. So that four billion dollars is so small compared to what it should be.


[00:33:17] So we’re basically talking about the biggest cover up in ever.


[00:33:22] And in WITSEC also, like I talked about how next tetanus was at that 4.5 level and a normal would be around one point. Oh, well. So after we had that last round of plasmapheresis and he was treated for tetanus with that antibiotic and we had we had titer strong two weeks after that, he was down to a point five point five. We have not had any further symptoms of tetanus. So we’re very thankful for that because it is it is terrifying. But, you know, you don’t need a tetanus shots for every cotton scratch you get.


[00:34:01] So if there’s a little extra beer, you know, and this is how I believe not only are they trying to push us into a corner with our children and living here in the state of California and having, well, you’re either going to vaccinate or you’re not going to school, you know, or you know you’re there. They put the fear of God into you that, you know, this is going to happen to your child. And I know I vaccinated both of my boys without any knowing anything. I mean, this was 15 years ago. We didn’t have access to information like we did. But this is part of the reason why I’m so passionate about talking about this, because if I would have even had one person come to me, one person and say, Jenny, you should probably look into that. You know, you should probably check that out before you make the decision. And that’s that is where this comes down to, is people you have a personal responsibility to do your ad, to understand the risk to to look at the vaccine and sought to educate yourself and then make a decision. And that is where our medical system is failing us. They’re not letting parents know the risks. You know, they’re there. In fact, they’re doing the opposite. They’re indoctrinating them to think that this is what they need to do to save and protect their children. And we as parents would do anything for our children.


[00:35:12] And what’s really crazy about that is there’s three hundred and eighty trillion viruses and we are told to fear 17. Well, now it’s 18 because of Carone. Yeah, that’s a whole other conversation. This is what it’s like if you actually look at measles, if you actually look at mumps, chicken pox. If you look at those, the risk of that is possible. And satellite is very, very variable percentage. Your normal side effects of those. What used to be a common childhood. Infections. Fever. Dehydration.


[00:35:49] It’s 20, 20 if you don’t know how to treat your kids fever. Stop having kids. It’s 20, 20. If you need access to I.V. fluids, we have that. That’s one of the great things, is that we have access to these basics.


[00:36:03] You didn’t treat a fever. You can treat dehydration. I’m sure we can treat rashes like comfort care. It’s going to be a rash for seven to 10 days, but you’ll get through it and then you’ll have lifelong immunity. And when you pull apart each thing that we’re supposed to vaccinate for. And you look at, well, why am I supposed to be so afraid of this fever, rash, dehydration, those basics.


[00:36:28] I can handle those if I can. I know that I have access to basic medical care, like giving my kid an I.V. for a few days.


[00:36:37] And it’s just we are going to have a vaccine for three hundred and eighty trillion viruses. It’s just it’s not going to happen. Viruses are going to mutate and change. And that’s why you have a reoccurrence of measles. And those are easily leaked, too, shedding also.


[00:36:55] So, yeah.


[00:36:57] Yeah, it’s crazy. You know, it’s what people don’t understand. And I always encourage people understand the immune system, understand that our immune system was not created faulty, like God did not make mistakes when he created the human immune system. These diseases are actually building the immunities that we have our kids get for that builds the immune system. People are so terrified going to give their kids, you know, acetaminophen and ibuprofen when their kid gets a fever. That’s the body’s protective response. That’s what actually builds our immunities. And it’s just so backwards. It’s just, you know, and it doesn’t take a lot. This is why I always encourage people, do your research, educate yourself, because when you see it doesn’t take a lot to see the truth, it really doesn’t. And so anyway. So. Oh, my goodness. So let’s talk about life right now. How is Nick doing? I know you guys have you you’ve been such a warrior for him. And, my gosh, he’s so blessed to have you seriously. Andre, I watched you. How much of a strong person you are and how much of an advocate you are for your husband and your family and, you know, you shared with me that you’re now home schooling the kids and your home full time to take care of all of them. And my heart goes out to you because I know that Nick was just on a path of just success. And now, you know, you’ve had this life change and, you know, financially. I know we’ve talked a little bit about how workers comp spend for you, which has been a nightmare. But how does it look for you guys today? And.


[00:38:21] Yeah. So we’re just past the year. We’re working with a really amazing team, like just amazing. Nick’s had one one set of IVF treatments. And that’s to work on an antibody that he does have in kind of rewiring his immune system. So something to do with, like t cells and getting his like the IBG is putting in healthy immunoglobulin from from donor Internet.


[00:38:52] And hopefully the cells can take over. Other like what I call rogue antibodies.


[00:38:58] So he’s had four days of treatment. It’s like six hours a day. IDG infusions and he’s going to do that monthly chiropractic care. He did primal therapy to hyperbaric chamber at home for a while.


[00:39:12] He gets I.V. infusions like vitamin infusions every two weeks, sometimes weekly, depending on how he’s feeling. We’re still dealing with chronic inflammation in his brain. It’s like he’s had a neuro Clontz, which just like a functional MRI. It shows inflammation. His brain’s just completely.


[00:39:32] Yeah, it’s on fire. You know, he’s taking a lot of supplements. He’s on antiinflammatory diet. So there’s absolutely nothing from a cow because the TAF is cultured and bovine. So no cow products, no dairy, no gluten in any type of anything that might trigger an inflammatory issue.


[00:39:54] He does get to have a little glass of wine every now and then.


[00:39:56] So he read fine. Mobility wise, it’s definitely.


[00:40:05] It’s been difficult for him to go from being so active and physically fit to literally every day just hurts and his left side is, you know, hypersensitive to everything. His right side. He can’t feel he’s a hearing in his right ear, which I. I had to joke about that from early on because he’s an audiologist.


[00:40:30] Guys do. He’s actually just sat down next to me. So I think I’m going to. Thank you. Thanks for letting us borrow your. Oh, not a problem. You know what?


[00:40:42] Good to see you. Good to see you. Thanks for being with us. Absolutely. Yeah. I hear from you how you’re doing. And I just want you to know that you’ve got a lot of people rooting for you, a lot of prayers, a lot of people that have your backs. And I just feel blessed to be able to tell you guys this story. So how are you doing today?


[00:41:01] Today is like our days. It’s pretty normal day. Previously, this would be like this way of describing it. In normal person terms, it feels like a hangover that never goes away.


[00:41:14] Well, I have my green, light sensitive, sound sensitive, smell sensitive.


[00:41:23] That never goes away. The whole left side of my body feels like it’s on fire.


[00:41:32] Yeah. Memory memory is a fun one. I used to have near photographic memory and.


[00:41:44] Hey, took.


[00:41:49] Now, I can’t remember conversations on a daily basis. Some days are better than others, but I would say it’s at least once a day where I have a conversation with someone and I don’t remember having a conversation, but alone.


[00:42:08] What it was.


[00:42:15] I have weakness and three of my four limbs. Luckily, my wonderful left arm still works.


[00:42:22] But yeah, it sucks. I mean. To go from the high like you was honestly the best time, like we came down here, I had my dream job. And we’ll find the image somewhere to be enjoyed. We are excited to be here.


[00:42:45] We I previously was a firefighter in Antarctica and I had enough of cold and accurate hits the hope as well. So getting somewhere warm was awesome.


[00:42:58] And so you were super excited when we first got here. And I had been here just over a month now. Andre had been here with the kids for like five or six days. 13 days when this all started. So. It’s hard because I almost feel guilty because I’m the one that brought the family down here.


[00:43:23] And.


[00:43:25] As a parent, you should never have to miss videos to. It’s absurd. It’s just a troll. It’s been a long year. It’s been a real hard, hard, hard one year. I’m exhausted. So my emotions are also rollercoaster.


[00:43:48] No, thank you. Thank you for sharing your heart. And I pray that this video finds somebody that needs to see this before they make a decision that they can never take back in. You’ve been so brave. I’ve watched you on Dell Big Tree Show. I’ve seen your amazing life. Just advocate for you. And, you know, you have a huge army of people behind you guys that are supporting you, that are inspired by you, by your braveness and by you just telling your story. So I’m praying that this find somebody and, you know, there’s power in story. And if you could say one thing to people that may be considering vaccinating their children or even as an adult, now we see the implications of what this can cause. What would you tell that person or those people today?


[00:44:36] I would say that if you spend an afternoon to start to vaccinations and inserts, you’re probably more educated than the doctor that’s giving it to you. And that’s one of the most terrifying things that we’ve learned throughout this entire process, is that. We’ve dealt with a lot of residents have been in multiple learning hospitals. We asked them, do you know what viruses it got to the point where I wouldn’t even let them in until they told me what virus was. We learned that they get a half day. Some people a full day on vaccines. And all it is, is the schedule they get. Don’t learn about side effects. They don’t learn about contraindications. They learn the schedule. And that’s terrifying. You learn about every single other pharmacological medicine that you’re going to be using as a doctor.


[00:45:31] You know, the indications and the contraindications and possible side effects. But something that we’re pushing on newborns, they don’t even know. And so if you spent the afternoon researching who you you won’t do it.


[00:45:50] And it’s funny that you said about this story is my story has some strength as.


[00:46:01] I’ve lived my life, so I had a good.


[00:46:05] A good story to tell yet and.


[00:46:10] I don’t know. I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I know that I’m going to have an impact.


[00:46:21] I know of at least 10 families that have saw my story and started educating themselves. And whether or not they continue to vaccinate, that’s completely out of them. But at least they understand that they have informed consent because without informed consent, you have nothing, though. All no pro or you know, what happened to me? All question is for people to be educated because everyone gets the right to make that decision. It’s just like smoking. You know the downsides if you choose to smoke. That’s new. But at least you understand what could happen to you. So I’m not pushing one side or the other. Well, that might sound crazy for what’s happened to me, but I don’t believe in individual rights. And so you should have the right to choose to do that if you feel it’s best for you all.


[00:47:18] But yeah, we should that we have the right as humans to know the risks. You know, what blows my mind is that in every medical procedure, whether it be a surgery, even medications, you’re informed of the risk if there is any risk of death or any sort of sort of side effect. There should be information. It should be information in informed consent. And the fact that they’re forced vaccinating, you know, to me, especially living here in the state of California, we’ve had to completely change our life, you know, and now we’re homeschooling our our son because he was getting ready to go into the seventh grade and needing the Tee’d app again, going into seventh grade. And, you know, people are forced. There’s there’s no exemptions there. You know, it’s just terrifying that more people need to wake up and understand what we’re dealing with and the oversight and the implications long term of dealing with chronic illness. I’ve been advocating in the space for about ten years now. And, you know, a lot of times I hate to say it, chronic illnesses are are they’re manmade. You know, were you acting? Our kids were having a food source sprayed with glyphosate. And there’s just so much. And people don’t understand that this is hijacking our DNA. And it’s it’s sad to me. I think more people need to wake up. Nick, I want to say this. You are absolutely having an impact on the entire world. I don’t even think that you’re going to know the impact that you’re having on, you know, generations even to come by telling your story and all that you’ve gone through. And I can tell you’re a fighter. My gosh, you’ve made so much great, you know, so many great downs and leaps and bounds in recovery. I, you know, just been watching your stories. So I have no doubt that, you know, a path full of healing and just amazing. This is in store for you and Andrea. And I’m just thankful for both of you for for being who you are and for being brave enough to tell your story and what can I. I would love for you guys just to kind of maybe leave some last words with people that may be watching out. No, if you guys want to do it together, you both can get in the in the screen together. But what would you tell people that are watching this? You guys are beautiful, by the way. Oh, my gosh. Beautiful looking couple.


[00:49:29] What would you tell the viewers that are watching this today if you could leave them with one last word or piece of advice?


[00:49:37] Just that vaccine injury is very real. It happened to anyone at any time and on multiple different levels. So what do you think? Your kid is? Fine. But but long term, what does that look for them? You know, it could even just be Alzheimer’s as a senior citizen because of the amount of heavy metals that you’re putting into their body. So you don’t really get a do over. There’s no magic fix once it’s done. You can’t magically remove what’s been injected and dispersed throughout your body. So just please realize that this isn’t just a conspiracy and really just empower yourself. And learn how to promote natural health and healing for your body with food and with vitamins and exercise. And it’s just a total lifestyle of Howth vs..


[00:50:30] False promises and a vaccine.


[00:50:35] I think what I would I would say is if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. I was the healthiest of all my friends. I lived the healthiest lifestyle you could imagine. I mean, we’ve raised the vast majority of our food, either raised it or we hunted for it. And so we didn’t really get food from the supermarket. I grew up as a vegetarian. I was a vegetarian for fifteen years. And when I started eating meat, I only a well raised meat. So I grew up working on farms. I, yeah, I, I. My life has permanently changed. And it’s not just mine. It’s all my kids, my family. So just educate yourself. And that’s that’s the biggest thing we’re pushing is educate yourself. We just got my office just got cleared. But a week ago, and the form that was given to me was in there and it said you might have a fever, you might have a sore arm, did list a single one of the symptoms that I have. And they’re all known side effects. They’re not verified. It’s on the insert, but they don’t give you the insert. You have to fight to get inserts. And even then, they might not give it to you. So I don’t know who makes the wonderful vaccine binder’s that we have, but they are all certainly.


[00:52:17] Are you talking about Ashley? Yeah, Ashley. I asked from Sarah, but yeah, there I think they’re I think you Ashley to Ashley.


[00:52:25] We’ll be sharing this interview, I’m sure. Hey, girl, she’s probably watching it. I love her. We’ve become good friends. I respect your.


[00:52:33] If you have questions, if you’re on the fence, just talk with one of them because it’s all the information you’ll ever need in a single binder. It will take you two to three weeks to read through it. If you read it quickly, it’s it’s not going to hurt you.


[00:52:50] Like. You know, if you’re worried about people calling you crazy or an anti VAX or anti science like that is not what we are. It doesn’t bother me when someone calls me an ActiveX or not because it won’t ever happen again to any of anyone in my family.


[00:53:07] But it’s not going to hurt you to just stop and consider the possibility that what we’re saying is true, that what other families and other parents are saying is true. It’s not going to hurt you to just investigate.


[00:53:23] You’re not going to get the answers. You’re probably not going to get the answers from your doctor, love it.


[00:53:30] Well, I was just reading a news article and we’ll wrap up this interview pretty quickly here. But AstraZeneca. Apparently they put a hold on the development of that vaccine. And apparently the side effect is transverse myelitis, artists and UBS.


[00:53:46] What now? Just curious, Nic, was that the vaccine that the manufacturer of the vaccine that you received so might actually get something totally maybe off your wonderful memory lapses?


[00:54:00] I don’t know who made. But first, let’s go SmithKline GSK.


[00:54:05] OK. Gotcha. Well, I’ll be posting. So for those of you guys that are watching this on Social. I’ll be posting some links down below. I’d love to post Sarah’s information. Of course, we’ll put Ashlee’s information. You guys can get these vaccine binders. I will also post some additional resources. I love following Dr. Sheri Tenpenny for courses for masteries mazing. We have, you know, the vaccine backs documentaries, Baxt, one in back’s two that you can tune into. So just get educated and your level to Andrea and Nic and comment below. Like I said, they need all the prayers that they can get. And we’re just thankful for you guys. We’ll continue to pray. We’ll continue to fight with you. This is a fight that I’ve taken on and that, I will note, not be silent in regards to. And I’m just passionate about helping people and getting people to wake up. And I just want to thank everybody for tuning in. Please share this video, hopefully with censorship and all of this craziness going on. We’ll be able to keep this circulating. So please share this video. And however you can support Nick and Aundrea, whether it be a nice message or whatever it may be. Please reach out.


[00:55:10] We just love you guys. And thanks again, Nick and Andrea. Thanks for being the amazing people that you are. And just thankful that you are making an impact and you are changing the futures of, I believe, many, many people. So God bless and take care. I’m going to stop the recording. We can stay on real quick.


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