Breakthroughs for TBI and Stroke

Breakthroughs for TBI and Stroke

Breakthroughs for TBI and Stroke Breakthroughs for Traumatic Brain Injury and StrokeNew research suggests out that Nrf2 activation can actually help with stroke. Not too long ago I had the privilege to interview Kellie Lupsha. She’s a seasoned physical therapist with...
Could your breast implants be making you sick?

Could your breast implants be making you sick?

It’s not all in your head. Breast Implant Illness is real and it’s a serious problem. There are women all across the country, and even the world, facing a problem they don’t even know they have, let alone how to solve it. Today we’re joined by Dr. Nicola Ducharme, a...
Activation vs. Supplementation With Dr. Paul Martin

Activation vs. Supplementation With Dr. Paul Martin

Imagine for a moment that your house is on fire and you have to put it out yourself. Would you rather have a bucket or a fire hose to put it out? No question you’d want the fire hose, right? It’s the quickest way to get the results you want. (putting the fire out) I’m...
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